
Should I tell my best friend I have feelings for her?

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We have been best friends for years like forever. I told he back in like grade eight and we are graduating high school next year. Its always been a tell each other everything friendship. I told her before and it became awkward but now I think it could be different but I'm not sure. Some days I think she likes me, but others it seems not. shes currently going through a relationship that I believe is going to end badly for a couple reasons, one her boyfriends going off to university 4 hours away and 2 because another guy told her he had feelings for her and its caused her a lot of anxiety. Now i feel that if I tell her how I feel it will cause even more stress and she won't have anyone to talk to about it. I also feel if i don't tell her how i feel she will start going out with this other guy and i will have missed my chance.




  1. it seems not the right time

  2. just kiss the girl


    seriously that answer got to me deep.. and its too personall o tell my story... the best thing u can do it go for it tell her that u think shes pretty and u dont wanna miss your chance. dont do the same thing i did and just wait for something to come up!!! im telling u thiis from the heart dont miss your chance... try hanging out and talking with her.. i could tell u what to say... but it has to come from u.... i dont want to make false chemistry

  4. wait are u a guy or a girl

  5. rent buffy and dance like it is 1999 or the future.

  6. honestly just go for it or you will regret it...  


  8. i think you should take it slow and try to see if she feels the same way first because if you take it to fast you'll probably scare her off. so just stay friends and try to take it slow and maybe do things with her, like go out to lunch and just talk. hope this helps, good luck.

  9. i say you should go for it...

    if you don't, you'll regret it. :/

    it could possibly go wrong..or not..

    but you'll never know unless you try.

  10. 20 yrs from now if i knew my best friend had feelings for me id kill him for not telling me

  11. My best friend told me he liked me,we ended up dating for 3 months so lol

  12. dude, life is full of chances. I am afraid if you don't talk to her you will indeed lose the chance. Tell her that you don't want things to change unless she does. Let her know that you will still be there no matter what. Hope that helps. good luck


  14. wow are u in a tricky situation

    as a gurl i would prob like 2 be told i have peeple who care about me and i would luv it 2 be w/ my best guy friend cuz i have a crush on him 2 but u have 2 think about how if u end up breaking up then u could jeperedize the relattionship u had b4 well u should tell her

    2 her face also don't do it over text look her in the eyes and say i luve you and i can't stop it no matter wut

  15. u will definitely miss your how u feel..let her know u were always there for her and u always will.....;...

  16. just go for it....tell her everything because if you don't you'll always wonder

  17. well, if used to like my best friend, idk why though! but i only liked him for a week or two. but if u really have feelings for this girl, then go for it. i really doubt that she will say no, if she sort of likes you back. but even if she does, it def shouldn't effect your friendship, because it sounds like you have a STRONG friendship! i really do hope this helped!

  18. sure

  19. i thibnk right now she is confused and NOT ready to be with if you make your move now..its not going to will be too much drama and stress and its going to feel like a need to wait...i know you have waited forever but you need to wait..she doesn't need another man right now she needs a friend.  and you need to respect her feelings...she was with this guy and whether they are breaking up or not she is going to hurt about it.  so just wait a bit longer..let it happen naturally...don't cause more emotional distress for her or she will distance herself from you.

  20. are u ready yet

    if u are go for it!

  21. yes show her your long s*****g!

  22. Well, speaking purely from experience I'm just going to say this. Telling her that you like her right now isn't going to help her with her anxiety.

    Also the fast that she is in a relationship. If I were you, I'd just be her friend. If it evolves it evolves. All my best-going relationships were formed because of a good, strong friendship.

    Sometimes, when you start dating a friend, and things go wrong, you can loose them forever.

    You have to think about wither you are ready to sacrifice a friendship for a relationship.

    Only tell her if you know for sure if she is ready to be with you and only you.

  23. make her read this question and she will see just how much she counts for u and she will go with u and not the other guy.

    good luck.

  24. its always good to be straighforward about everything.  if if she really values your friendship, she will understand you.  plus it'll make you feel a lot better afterwards :)


  25. dnt tell ha now cuz u gona give ha more stress. if you flirt alot then you can tell ha wen she cool down. if yall dnt flirt then it pointless cuz wen yall try the romance it gona feel weird

  26. yes

  27. Yes I had the same prob. Tell her before it is to late. If not you will regret it.

  28. you should wait it could ruin ur friendship at least wait till she has sort some isuues out

    hope this helped

  29. yes you should tell her about a month after they break up (let her cry for a while) then tell her you wanna be more then friends if she does not like you at least you know she probably will but you never know till you ask

  30. Think like you're someone else looking in- What would you tell that person to do. Then do what you would tell someone else. Good luck!

  31. Go for it , maybe you can suprise her while she is talking you can just kiss her straight up!

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