
Should I tell my boyfriend about my eating disorder?

by Guest55646  |  earlier

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Ok, well I have a habit of making myself sick now and again. But it's nowhere near as bad as it used to be. And recently I've not been eating much.

But I'm starting a relationship with someone and I was just thinking whether he should know this about me? I just don't know how to tell him and if it's the right think to do... Help?




  1. If you plan on a serious, extended relationship, you should tell him. If not, you don't have to.

    You also don't have to tell him right away. After you've been together for a while, and built up a relationship and a level of trust, you can share more personal things, including your problem.

    Neither one of you has to, or is expected to, open the floodgates on the first date.

  2. How long have you known this person? Will he help you through this?

    I personally think you should save that for a few months from now, and until then, get yourself some help.

  3. yes, definitely,   he'll be able to help you if he knows about it

    and if he doesnt want anything to do with it

    then he's not worth it

  4. I had the same problem..

    I think it depends on how much you trust them and if you think the relationship will be long term? If so then would probably be best to tell him now rather than later.

  5. If I were put in your shoes, I would let my boyfriend know right away...if you he two of you become very serious and you decide to tell him might hurt him and that's when trust issues start, you should keep anything from him, it might hurt you as well because a relationship could end by not telling him. I have a boyfriend and I think if I had an eating disorder, he would love for me to tel him, yeah he might be scared, worried, shocked and not know hat to do at first but the good thing is about having a boyfriend is he could help you get over your disorder and you aren't wanting help from other people like friends and family. So just tell him, you'll feel a lot better and he'll be less mad at the end.    

    : )

  6. If you can out that to a bunch of random strangers on the internet, you can out it to one of the people you should have all of your trust in in your life.

    He needs to know, or he will need to know at some point in the future, if he's not an a*****e, he'll want to help.

  7. honestly,  i trhink you should tell him, be honest with him and if he likes you he should understand

  8. Get it out in the open, that way you will be relaxed and your BF will know the score from the offset.

    Think how you would feel if he kept something, similar from you.

  9. yes you should tell him so he knows whats going on, imagine if you make something of the relationship and months down the line her finds out you've been keeping it from him x

  10. But I'm starting a relationship with someone and I was just thinking whether he should know this about me?

    my honest opinion?  wait a few months

    if i was him and i liked you it wouldnt matter

    but for some people, if youve only just met a girl, and she tells you she has bulimia, some guys might not want to get involved

    if you leave it a few months he might really get to like you, and so will be more sympathetic than he would be now

  11. Yes always be truthful and frank.  He should love you as you are.

  12. As soon as you start keeping secrets from your boyfriend, you may as well start getting ready for your imminent breakup. You don't have to tell him right this very second, but he needs to know. He'll find out anyway.

    Good luck!

  13. I think its best to be honest from the start if you really like him  

  14. Tell him as soon as now coz he will find out your condition anytime unexpectedly and better think of treatment for your condition coz it's not good to stay in such way.

  15. yes.

  16. yes, you should. either tell him or seek help from another source as eating disorders are not to be taken lightly.

  17. If you tell him he can help you, if you don't he can't, if he leaves, was he really worth it?

  18. its best not to have secrets in relationships. tell him about it, he will probably (and hopefully) be supportive and help you to get over it. plus being in a stable relationship may make you feel more secure and less likely to make yourself sick. good luck!  

  19. yes tell him and he may help you to you just got one life live it good. tell him and have a helthy relationship! good luck

  20. yes!! he could probably help you out,, and give you support! =D

  21. i personally wait til i know  it's serious, or more than just a bit of fun. i can't face bringing it up and discussing it if there's a chance he won't be around lond. but if you feel it's the best way to go then definately do it.

    good luck deary!

  22. Yes, you should absolutely tell your boyfriend about it but at a time when you feel connected and supported.  If you feel this is someone you're going to have in your life for a long time, he has the right to know this about you.  He has to be able to know you so that he can support you. You just need to sit down privately with him and explain to him what is going on with you and that you're seeking help with your disorder. You should definitely be seeking help for your situation and if you're doing this, you need him to know about it so that he can help you.  

  23. honesty is the best policy!

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