
Should I tell my coach about shin splints/tight hamstrings?

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We are three weeks into the season, and I've been running every day, 5-6 days a week. Being captain, I have to run up with the fastest people, but it's getting painful. I'm not that fast, but I am genuine, so I guess that's why I'm captian.

My x-c season last year was cut short because of shin splints throughout the season, and my shins are starting to get sore after even a short 5 miler! I don't want to be a whiner, because I'm captain, and I really want to be a good one. But I also want to have a killer x-c season. How should I approach my coach...or should I even tell her?

By the way, I'm icing every day, on Ibuprofen, and stretching whenever I have a spare minute.




  1. Sounds like your doing all the right stuff with icing (10-15 minutes 3X/day) and ibruprofrin and stretching (heel/stair lifts, lunges, etc) perhaps you should talk to your coach, you don't want to develope stress fractures, that would mean many rest days before you can run again.  Cross train, cycle, swim or pool run.  Maybe your coach could have some good suggestions as well.

  2. Yes - have the trainer look at you and help work out your hamstrings.

  3. omgoshh! I'm exactly the same. I'm captain of my cross country team, and I had shin splints (and other numerous problems), AND I didn't want to miss practice because I didnt' want to look as if I was slacking off. However, what an ALUMNI that I was running with, (she was last year's captain) told me that it's better to take 2 days off (figuratively) than injure myself seriously and take off 2 weeks or 2 months. SO! I advise you to possibly take couple days off. or if you seriously HAVE to run, just run like 2-4 miles. and then swim to help keep your heart beating fast & not get too out of shape =)

  4. Yes, tell your coach. She'll go easy on you until the damage is fixed/feels better.

    It's worth it because you'll do damage to your shins if you keep running.

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