
Should I tell my coworker friend that I'm g*y?

by Guest56096  |  earlier

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I made friends with this guy at work. He might be g*y, might not. I'm not sure. Anyway, should I tell him? I feel like it shouldn't be a big deal but there's that small chance that he might get angry with me. He's a really sweet guy though, so that probably wouldn't happen.




  1. You're not required to divulge this information.

    You called him your "coworker friend," but has he actually become a friend outside of the workplace?  If he has not, then he's really just a colleague -- and as such, you simply don't have to share every bit of information about yourself with your colleagues.  Trust me, there are plenty of other things you can talk about at lunch.

  2. Are you sure that you have homosexual inclinations yourself? That is the first question. If you aren't sure about yourself you really don't have to worry about anything else.  

  3. I would not if he is your 'cowork friend', as you have a professional relationship with him.  Not until you know him really well and have become close friends with each other (i.e. see each other outside of work etc), I would not share this info with him.

  4. I would try to keep your sexuality out of the workplace - g*y or straight - it is hardly ever a good idea.

  5. if you aren't sure if he is g*y or not you shouldn't say any thing to him.You should wait until you know for sure  

  6. i don't tell no one i'm g*y unless they ask me. i told a coworker i was g*y once and she read me bible versus everyday on my lunch break  

  7. What part of your 'sexual being' plays a part in your employment?  That's right...NONE...  It would be wise to keep your mouth least till you became better friends with your co-worker away from work...  Once 'that' happens, then you 'might' consider letting him know...  If you never become friends outside of work, there is no need to tell him anything...

  8. I perosnally feel that sexuality should be kept out of the workplace.

    You are there for one thing, to work.

    I think that you should keep your relationship strictly professional.

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