
Should I tell my doctor, I'm embarrassed ....?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so this is very embarrassing but every time I go see this one doctor my blood pressure is very high. But when I go to see other doctors, it is low. I think it's cause I'm very attracted to the doctor ... but he thinks I have a blood pressure problem... I don't have the guts to tell him it might be my attraction to him... should I mention it or just switch docs?




  1. swah ich


  2. I'm foreseeing a brilliant pick-up line!

  3. well, try to see a different doctor's opinion, if its nothing wrong, then yes you are attracted to him, if not, then seek medical help, theres no need to really switch docs lool

  4. you shld just switch doctors.

    because its not professional protocol for a doctor to like a patient back. its part of our professionality. if you want to go out with him, then you shld switch doctors. that makes everything better and easier....

    do u think he likes u??

    gd luck :)

  5. you should find out if hes married first J/K

    well you should tell him but me my self im the embarrase type also ill get another dr. and come back for a pap smear just for him

  6. I would just switch unless he is some super great doctor and a bonus eye then I would fess up- but then you would have the akwardness. Or you could just say you get nervous going to the doctor and you check your blood pressure at home and it is normal b/c you were concerned and bought one to monitor it and its been fine that way you can continue to see him and not have to spill allllllll the details.

  7. this is called "white coat hypertension".  if you cannot maintain a professional relationship with your doctor, get another.

  8. Wow, I am almost in the same situation as you - except without the blood pressure up & down. I am just head over heels with my OB/GYN, that everytime I see him, I feel somewhat nervous and forget all the questions I want to ask him. I am currently debating whether I should talk to the doctor face to face and tell him straightout that I've got a crush on him, the reason is because I know I'm not going to sleep around or even meet him for coffee - it's more that the thought of him excites me - maybe i just miss being single, but i want my doctor to know that I mean no harm whatsoever. I just want somebody I can express this to, without having him to feel pressured. Maybe you can do the same. In your case, I don't think it's necessary for you to switch doctors. It's not like you guys are doing anything beyond the boundaries. Just make sure you don't do anything physical to start "boundaries transference". If you wanna talk more, email me - Good luck!

  9. Tell him, and switch. That way there aren't any professional problems, and hey, he might like you back.;)

  10. hun

    you must tell your dr

    if your embarassed to say your crushed on him make up a fake person to have a crush on

    but make sure to keep check on the bp

    its a mainstay sweets

  11. Get a nurse to do it when he's not around.

  12. tell him, he may like u!!!

    but if u just can't, switch doctors

  13. switch docs

  14. switch the doctor is better.

  15. well may be you don't have to tell him right away, you can start by telling him that when you test it with other doctors its normal but with him its up.  and just compliment him tell him maybe its because his good looking you know just be open about it. you may be surprised at his reaction. however if he doesn't show interest in you don't take it in any way that's just life you win some, you loose some

  16. If you cant bring yourself to tell him then definately look into a different doctor, this is your health we're talking about

  17. haha your in a pickel, i wish i could tell  you what you should do but i would be shy about it also and change doctors, good luck, if you think you have a chance with him tell him, if not change doctors, i think it would make him smile thoe

  18. switch doctors that way you will know the truth.

  19. That would be a very naive thing to do.  You're not considering implications at all.

  20. I personally wouldn't mention it unless you think you have a chance. Otherwise if it was me then i would just switch docs.

  21. Jump his bones.

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