
Should I tell my friend her husband is cheating?

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I recently went to Sydney for the weekend and was out for dinner when I saw one of my friends husbands with another woman. They were kissing in the foyer but must have changed there minds about eating there and they left. He didn't see me. I don't want to hurt her because she has just gotten over a recent death in her family but If it were me, I would want to know. What should I do?




  1. First you should confront the cheating husband about it and see whats up,  and if he admits he was cheating or won;t deny it, you should defiantly defiantly tell your friend. You weren't spying, you just happened to see it and she deserves to know  

  2. make sure you are for sure about it before you confront your friend. what if it wasnt him? ask her hubby first tell him if he dont confess then youll tell.

  3. That's tough only because she recently lost a loved one. But I know that I would want to know, and none of this "oh, it's not my place to tell her" c**p because I would want any random stranger to tell me. But if I were you, I would just tell her, she needs to know and she can do better. Why do guys always cheat on girls in the midst of a tragedy? Is it because they think the girl will be too distracted to notice? That's so fucked up and I feel really sorry for your friend! Tell her, she needs to know.

  4. The hard truth is better than beautiful deception.

  5. What are you waiting for? She is your friend and I would definitely want to know everything you saw he did.

    Call now!!

  6. What if you tell her and she doesn't believe you. Then she tells her husband and of course he denies it and then you have lost your friend. Your in a bad situation because you want to tell your friend. My friends all know me and know that if my husband is cheating I don't want to know just let me find out on my own. I am not leaving him either way.

    Just my opinion

  7. this is a tough situation for you as a friend to be in.  I would casually mention to her that you spotted her husband at the restaurant.  I wouldn't mention the kissing or the woman....just say I think it was him but didn't get a good look...then maybe she will ask him......I can't imagine being in your position (or hers for that matter)...sorry.that's the only advice I have.

  8. Whoa, tough question....My instinct is to tell her.  I would want my friends (or acquaintences, even) to tell me.  No matter what.  I would want to know.  Although, you are putting yourself at risk, you may lose her as a friend.  She may not be willing to "hear" what you have to say and may turn it on you.  Still, I believe she has a right to know.  If you decide to tell her (and I hope you do)  PLEASE make sure you are available to her as she may not be ready to share her emotions with "everyone".  Good Luck.

  9. keep your mouth shut.I know being a women you want to save her from

    her pain and help her see what a jackass he is.But the truth be told 9 times out of 10 the women stays for whatever the reason.Don't worry what ever is done in the dark always comes to light.And when she catches him and needs your shoulder to cry on then you may give your two cents not until then..I know it will be hard

  10. Well I would say hands down tell her but I was in a similar situation when I caught my best friends boyfriend cheating on her.  I told her but she didn't believe me and I had several other people telling me that they were seeing him with the other girl also but she wouldn't believe me and I told her several times.  Anytime that I would say something to her about it she would always say well he said that wasn't true and he wouldn't cheat on my again (he had already cheated on her twice.)  So I finally stopped telling her about him and the other girl and when he broke up with her and told her that he had been cheating on her she wanted to blame it on me because I didn't tell her.  I would still say tell her she has a right to know.  

  11. I won't. It's a bitter truth, and most men do that anyway at one point in their marriage life. As long as it's just a fling, no more than that.... I may be wrong, but it's me.  

  12. Have you ever thought of talking to him alone. Tell him you seen everything. Time to get him to wake up and realize he has been caught. Be nice about it and tell him how this makes you feel and see what he tells you. It's up to him to do the right thing.  

  13. First, you always want to confront the person involved which is the husband. See where that goes. He should be the one to tell her. Better yet, he should be the one to break off the affair. Secondly, ask yourself what good that will do your friend. She may know already. I would not tell her.  

  14. I think you should wait a little a while about a month because if you wait too long she might get upset that you hadn't told her sooner . but in a month you can explain to her that you only wanted to give her time to recover from the recent death. But don't neglect in telling her because she definitely deserves to know if her husband is cheating so they can decide what to do about it

  15. Did you not say this was a friend? Wouldn't you expect her to tell you something like this. I say absolutely tell her! She won't want to hear it, but don't you think she needs to know?

  16. you should tell her before she finds out herself and gets hurt even more about you for knowing and not telling her. TELL HER

    how would you feel?if she knew and didnt tell you  

  17. I think you should not tell her just like that because that's her husband and she will believe whatever he says to her and you may lose your friend. But because you are her friend you should lead her to discover this by herself. That's the hard part but is worth it.

  18.    Where the wife lives?I have doubts that maybe you are the mistress.If you are a true friend,you would tell her and be there for her..

  19. Tell her.  It'd be harder for her to learn it the hard way, thats learning it herself.  Your the only one that can let her know and take some of the emotion off.  Another bad thing that could happen if you dont, is he will divorce her and she will be destroyed.

  20. Tell her!  But be prepared for the idea of her not wanting to talk to you anymore because sometimes ladies would rather go on not being confronted with the truth than thank you for caring.  I would want to know, she deserves to know.  Too bad you don't have a pic, no arguing with that. Good luck

  21. I would leave an anonymous letter . Years ago my brothers wife cheated on him and i seen it . Well of course i told my brother but they stayed together and it seemed to ruin me and my brothers relationship .  

  22. If she is a close friend you should tell her.  If she is only an acquaintance then keep your nose out of it.  

    It sounds like you know this couple well and it seems your friend should know the truth but break it to her gently as it will be a big blow.


  23. She probably knows. It's a rare time when a woman is being cheated on and doesn't know about it. Whether she wants to believe it is another matter. I wouldn't tell her because she will only get mad at you and if she doesn't, her husband will be mad at you. Either way, you lose. And if they somehow mend everything they both will be mad at you for trying to break up the marriage. Just stay out of it and act surprised if she tells you about the cheating. Trust me on this one.

  24. I think you should tell her so she wont have to get hurt anymore because its just going to be worst once she finds out weeks are months from now.if you decide to tell make sure you comfort her so she wont feel so bad.

  25. My husband cheated, so I've had this conversation with many people.  Most friends say they'd want to know.  Some say,you don't tell her, because she could get mad at you.  They say, she may know and this will embarass her, or she wont believe you, or she'll think you are causing trouble.  Its risky, but I'd tell any friend, that I'm close to.  I think men are protected enough.  Good luck!

  26. If you are a true friend then tell her and be there to support her when she needs it.How will she feel if someone else tells her and that person is not a friend. you would want someone to tell you and so would all women. be her friend.

  27. Tell her! She'll be hurt that her husband was cheating on her, yeah, but it's better off that she knows! Do you want for the pain of her husband cheating on her to stack up 209375432x more when she finds out, no thanks to you?

    Tell her. It's for the best.

  28. I always heard the excuse : "It's not my place.." But if I had known my ex-husband had been cheating on me, it would have saved me time, money and (some) heart ache. Be it anonymous letter, or what have you, I wish I had known.  

  29. u have to tell her. gonna really really suck but u have no choice. would u want some to tell u ur husband was cheating.

  30. I would want to know also so I would tell her.  

  31. omg tell her.

    she wont take it out on you and if she does well that just proves she is not a very good friend. but since you are her friend then i really think the best thing is to do is to tell her:)

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