
Should I tell my mom about my sister's drinking, or should I mind my own business?

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My sister has always had a very good head on her shoulders. She used to stay away and frown upon drugs and drinking, but today I saw pictures of her and her boyfriend drinking on her MySpace, and in many of them they're surrounded by smoke. Part of me wants to tell my mom what she's up to seeing as how she's underaged and a member of my family died from alcoholism, but the other part of me doesn't want to stir up trouble and have my sister be mad at me. Of course, I don't want to be a "tattle" either. What should I do?




  1. Your mom should have access to view your sister's myspace page.  I know as a mother I am able to view my boys myspace page.  Maybe just have mom around and have her look at the pictures.  You do need to let your mom know what kind of behavior your sister is doing.  You would feel really bad if something happened to her because of her drinking.  I don't really think it is tattling if it is the truth and you are not just doing it to get her in trouble.  This is about a behavior that could cause harm to your sister.  Please tell your mom!  Your sister may be mad at first but she will eventually get over it trust me I use to get mad at my brother for telling on me but I got over it!  Good Luck!

  2. I think you should mind your own business. If you want to know what's going on, talk to her directly. You might be misinterpreting what you saw and your sister can tell you what really happened. You ought to respect your sister at least that much.

  3. If i were you, I would tell my Mum but ask my Mum to pretend if she saw it herself or heard from someone else such as a parent who was told by their daughter, that way your mum can do what she thinks best, your sister will find out she should not do it and she will not be mad at you for it, or i would talk to your sister and warn her off or gove her an ultimatum by saying if she continues your mum will find out!


  4. Your not tattling. your saving your sister's life. This boyfriend needs to be in jail, he is a bad influence. If your sister doesn't get help she needs . things could get worse and she may always date bad men that have horrible habits. think of how mad your mom would be if she found out you kwen the whole time and didn't say anything and it you can't bring your sister back if she dies. or undo any harm she has done to anyone else if she get in major trouble.

  5. dont tell on her. if shes 16 or older dont tell her. as long as she isnt doing it every night its fine. if she just drinks on the weekends with her friends and boyfreind at a party its not a big deal shes just having fun. dont be a snitch though unless u find out she does it all the time.  

  6. I think you should tell your mom. Yes, your being a tattle tale nut so what? You could  be saving your sister's life. Her drinking and possible smoking can get out of hand. Also, her doing it with her boyfriend seems like he isn't really the right company for your sister. I say tell your mom. Your sister will forgive you don't worry. Maybe if  you explain to her that you only told ( if you tell) because you didn't want her drinking to get too dangerous (Since one of your family members past away).  

  7. Talk to your sister first. Tell her how your feeling and ask her whys shes doing this if she frowns upon it. If you feel that its more serious than just having a few drinks then tell your mum.but its best to go to your sister first and explain to her how u feel

  8. Tell your mom to look at her myspace and let her deal with it.  You stay out of it.

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