
Should I tell my mom?

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Ok so i am over weight and i joined this online team that is free to help me lose weight and its really good and i am really happy that i joined it, but me and my mom always fight and i really want to tell her that i joined this team so that she could buy more like healthy food and stuff like that and also that she could help me. I am 13years old so i cant really tell her what to buy for groceries but if she knew that i wanted to lose weight she would do it! But i feel weird and awkward telling her that i want to lose weight and that i joined a team. should i tell her? and if so how do i tell her?




  1. She will probably be proud that you came to her with your issue and will probably help you out as much as possible by buying more nutritious meals and helping you get into an exercise program.  Please tell her, and good luck with achieving your goal.

  2. If i joined a club for that I would tell my mom no matter what! You should too she would not be mad at you for trying to look your best! This is how i would tell her!

    Tell her that you think your overweight and you really want to loose it.

    So see what she says then tell her you joined that free online team to help you loose it. See what she says and if she thinks that its fine then ask her to buy healthier food at the store.

    Hope i helped! :)

  3. i think you should tell her, talking to my ma is like the weirdest thing because in my opinion we're pretty distant from each other sometimes and i'm only maybe a year or two older than you but there are things you should tell her. it's not like you're doing anything bad so if it makes you feel better then you should tell her that, as long as you're happy about it I'm sure she'll see your view on it.

  4. Yes - definitely tell her - let her know you would like to talk - tell her you're making some serious changes and that you would love it if she would help you - come up with meal plans and give you mother a shopping list - go grocery shopping with her - i'm sure she'll help you as much as she can...

  5. Talk with her girl! It is important to always be open and honest with your parents even though it seems pointless at times. Let her know how you feel about yourself and that you do want to do something about it and you found something great that you feel good about and need her help. If she knows you need her help, that will help the two of you become closer and for her to support you. I know you want that support so just sit her down, let her know what is on your heart and just talk to her! Sure she is your mom but she can also be your best friend at the same time. Take care :)

  6. If your happy and there good choices, of course you should tell her. I dont see why she would be angry about it. Also just tag along when she goes grocery shopping, and ask her if you can get certain things. just be safe in how you loose weight and she wont have a problem with it

  7. I think you should share this with her, so she can help get you the healthy foods.  Maybe this will help you both to communicate with each other.

  8. She is not going to know anything you want her to know if you do not tell her.

  9. Just tell her. Don't add anything, such as any negative emotions you may have. If she is not respectful to you, tell her that you don't deserve any dis respect. But tell her with a feeling of righteous authority, not that of a helpless whiny child. If she gives any reason why she won't or can't help you to be happy and healthy, search for a compromise. ask her what it would take from you to get her to do this. Your joining a team is not really relevant, so don't cloud the issue. This is and it isn't about you wanting her to buy healthy food. This is about you and her fighting all the time. Figure out what YOU can do to change this. Don't focus on your resentments toward her shortcomings. Figure out ways in which you can support her in complying with your needs. And don't be mentally lazy, saying that she'll never listen to you. There are reasons that you fight, some of it has to do with her, and some of it has to do with you. You probably will never change her if you don't change something about yourself. Actions are stronger than words. Good luck to you.  

  10. If you don't want to tell your mother about the team, just let her know that you'd like to know more about healthy eating, and that you'd like to go with her grocery shopping!!  Then choose what you KNOW is healthy, and thank her for helping you!!!  Many mothers unconsciously encourage weight gain....YOU take charge of what you eat and at the same time, don't alienate your mother--since I guess she is still paying for the groceries!  Good Luck!!
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