
Should I tell my mortgage company that i'm thinking of selling my home?

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Should I tell my mortgage company that i'm thinking of selling my home?




  1. they don't care.

    the lawyers take the fee from the sale and pay them off.

    What your concern is early termination fees.

    it is in the fine print of your mortgage contract you signed.

    The usual early termination is 3 months of interest a processing fee and sometime another fee.

    Read this document and know it.  Then when you have a sale tell your lawyer you know the fees.  I had a mortgage where they put in an extra $100 and notifying the lawyer ahead caught it.   Catching the fee latter is your responsibility to collect.  

  2. I don't believe I would that may worry them in light of the financial problems those company's are having.  Make sure you have a good reason for selling.  Perhaps you can not afford the payments anymore.  God Bless  

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