
Should I tell my mum about my belly piercing?

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  1. Yes, she is your mum!!  

  2. She's gonna find out anyway.  But if it were me and my daughter did it without telling me I would rip it out myself.Cheers to "t**t" Dr.

  3. And you're a Doctor???

    WTF to your response too!!  :-)  Stupid tart with a silly name.  At least I chose my name with a certain sense of irony and occasional truth when I'm feeling wicked - like now.  ;-)

  4. it's up to you..

    if its just recent i would hide it a bit longer...

    because if she makes you take it out, you can be like, no - theres no point, the skin has like healed so the hole will be there forever


  5. Yes.  When it gets infected, she'll know what to tell the doctor.

  6. yes.

  7. Well, she'll either see it through a shirt one day or one day in the summer you'll get careless and forget to cover it.

    So telling her would probably be just as well.

    What is she going to do - make you take it out??

  8. Well, if you already have it done, yes.

    Make sure you don't get this infected.

    I think that you should have told your mum about this and not do this behind her back.

    It's going to be even worse if your mum finds out about this.

    Well, my advice is, tell her. Just clean the secret. At least you're being honest and you're not lying or not telling her this. Tell her now. If you keep this secret for longer, the situation will be worse.

    So, just tell her before she finds out and get it over with.

    Good Luck...


    Luv is Life.

  9. haha It's like that book mates dates and mad mistakes. I say tell her before she finds out. It might be easier that way.

  10. Personally ii thiink that you should tell her.

    Because when she fiinds out herself (somehow) she wiil fliip (well my mum would anyway)

    Be honest with her and try to reassure her that you didnt want to do anything against her wiill

    and how you felt that you want to tell her rather than leaving it up to her t fiind out for herself. [Make yourself seem liike the good girl! lol]

    If anything goes wrong like it getting caught on your clothes and ripping some of the skin

    Orr iit getting infected, you wont have to go through all of this on your own

    You wiil have your mum to support you and take uu to the doctors.

    Hope I helped


  11. No, never. Rather die but never tell her.  

  12. if she's gonna freak out then i wouldn't tell her, i got my belly button double pierced but my dad doesn't know, he would go crazy if i knew

  13. How old are you?

    She'll find out eventually.  You might as well tell her now and get it over with.

  14. yes !u should . she 's ur mother who take cares of u since u were born.

  15. yah. she evetually find out. so y noot now

  16. if you got it done, yes.

    becuase sooner or later you will let your guard down (like walk from one room to another in your bra) and she will find out.

    happened to my cousin, although when she told the story it was funny, at the time it wasn't, my auntie was ready to kill her. haha.

  17. uhm.. depends on how she normaly treats you

    but did it hurt?? im considering getting one next year

  18. go for it!!! its done what can she do about it...just make sure it doesnt get infected

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