
Should I tell my potential employer about my allergy?

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I have an allergy to UV light, my skin is so sensitive that even if I am sitting next to a window on a cloudy day my skin can feel irritated, itchy etc

I am currently applying for jobs, I went for an interview yesterday and had a look around and there's a bit of a problem, the offices have fairly big windows with no blinds. During the summer this wil be a major problem for me. Also there's another building which I may have to work in from time to time, this is five to ten minutes away and the walk could aggrevate my condition. Should I talk to to them about this? Is it even worth mentioning as I really don't see what they can do to help me? I find it really embarassing to talk about, should I be?




  1. I don't see any reason why you shouldnt - it's obviously not something you're doing on purpose or something you can one chooses to have an allergy to UV light.  I would discuss it with your potential employer.  Don't make it a giant deal, but maybe say something like.. i noticed you had no blinds on your windows, and i was wondering if you would be opposed to my putting them up/having them installed, etc, were you to accept my application.  Explain your allergy, and maybe offer to pay for the blinds you'd need if you feel that asking them to do it would be insulting or embarassing.  If you're really upset about it, you can wait and see if you get the job, and mention it when/if you find out that you'll be working there. There's no need to feel embarassed about your condition, though - it'd be the same for anyone who had an allergy to maybe.. a plant that was in the office.  I have severe makeup allergies and auditioned for a play anyway - i explained this after i was cast, and simply explained to the makeup artist that if she would provide a list of things she would be using on me, i would purchase them without the allergen myself.  Didn't bother anyone =)  Most people tend to understand that allergies aren't something preventable, especially one like yours.

  2. yes you should, they can put up blinds or curtains, its not that expensive if its just your office, as for walking use clothes to cover your skin posible bring an umbrella


    Yes, you should.  If you are not truthful, it could be grounds for dismissal later on.

    If you do, and they accept it, then you should have no trouble positioning yourself to avoid UV light(s).

    You may want to ask if the windows are "UV Resistant".  Many of the newer ones are, now-a-days.

    Have you tried thin, colored clothing?

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