
Should I tell my potential employer that I may be pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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I'm seventeen and could be two weeks pregnant.This job is only at a Tim Horton's Restaurant, but a job all the same.It was originally thought just to give me extra pocket money, job experience...and as luck would have it keep me busy and out of trouble.Maybe even save money for college.

If I'm having a baby..I'll need money.Certainly more than minimum wage, but it's a start right? What should I do?




  1. no. Not until you know for sure. Then you should wait until you are 3-4 mos. pregnant to say anything. Like it or not, this could affect their opinion of you and you need the job. If it turns out you aren't even pregnant you could damage your rep for nothing.

  2. Unless you know you are pregnant, you don't know that you are pregnant.  You may be fatally ill with cancer but you don't know that either.  Only tell what you know.

  3. Nope, I wouldn't tell them. You might not get the job because you're pregnant, even though it's against the law for them to discriminate against pregnant women.

    But don't tell them anything until you start showing, then they'll find out for themselves.

    And, it's a great start even if it's minimum wage, atleast you're not being lazy and depending on welfare to take care of you.

  4. No you shouldn't not yet anyway.  You are not obliged to tell them that you are pregnant until you are about 20 weeks gone anyway and even if you did tell them they should still consider you for the job regardless although some employers do discriminate.  As you are not sure, you should wait before you say anything until you are sure.

  5. No, don't tell them...yet. They want someone who's going to stick around a while, and if they think you will be quitting in 8 or 9 months, they may as well hire someone else. But, once you have been there for a bit, they will see how awesome you are...and BAM!! That's when you lay it on 'em! Good luck! and Grats!!

  6. No ma'am! Don't tell them a thing until you are in the door and showing. Majority of employers will not hire you as you are a liability from day one! Not to mention that they will be paying for your short term vacation in 9 months. Just keep that info to yourself until you cant hide it anymore. Make sure you dont tell anyone at the job either as they can contest paying you for maternity leave if you were pregnant before you started. Good blessings to you and your baby! And congratulations!  

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