
Should I tell my teachers?

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My parents have been divorced for ten years and seven years ago my mother remarried. She and my stepdad are sometimes verbally and physically abusive of me and my brother (who has mild autism and doesn't understand what they're doing is wrong).

Anyways, my question is, should I tell my teachers about this when I go back to school, the ones who were involved in this issue? How should I tell them if I do? I'd be scared of it. Should I write a letter or talk face to face and should I do it on a need-to-know basis and be very vague and just say "I didn't feel safe" or give evry little detail? How should I approach this situation?




  1. yes

  2. i think u should do it face to face. im so sorry ur parents are like that


  3. If you fear for your safety or for the safety of your brother, you HAVE to speak up. It will be very difficult. Talk to the ones who where already involved in this issue first. They will know what to do afterwards.

  4. Look I lived with my step mother and dad when I was young and my step mother was a closet alcoholic and I was her target when she got drunk. I ended up having to wear turtle necks to school and long sleeve shirts to cover the marks. I got broken bones and scares from scratches.

    I never told thinking that this was wrong to inform outsiders of the things that were going on in my house. I ended up losing everything though because I was so scared of her I ran away instead of facing my problems. I ran to my real moms house and my dad and uncles and aunts and grandparents suddenly decided I was dead.

    I had a step brother who was only 4 months older than me I haven't seen since and my little brother who was 7 years younger than me doesn't even remember me. That was 27 years ago.

    I wish I had told because then our family might have healed instead of split like it did. I lost so much and they have lost out on my children and life. I have tried to contact them but was told I'm not their type of people so I let it go and now my children do not have any uncles or cousins or grandparents.

    Tell a teacher, or call the police then your family will heal. They probably want to be good parents and dealing with a child with autism is stressful and they are making bad choices as parents if they won't get help then you can call a councilor and ask for help too. You will go through bad times as a family at first  but at least you'll still have each other and the healing can begin..


  5. I would tell someone at the school you trust the most Do it face to face and don't hold back. Tell them everything  

  6. try counselors or church person.  theses type of people are trained to deal with hostile situations but can also look at it with a reasonable view.  they'll be able to advice you in talking to them. also, there is hotlines out there to discuss situations if you really feel that bad.  if you talk to teacher and she reports it then you might have an official come to visit your house unless physical abuse can be observed.  also if the state redeams it not safe to be there they will place you in state aid/foster home/etc.  good luck  

  7. Tell your teachers on whatever happened.  Honey, they will help you.  Child beatings are not allowed.

  8. You should tell someone face to face.   The best person to tell would be the school counselor.  If you don't want to talk to that person, pick the teacher you feel the most comfortable with.  Ask him/her for some time to talk, because this will take awhile.  You don't want to mention it to the teacher on the way out the door to the next class.  Teachers and counselors care about kids, that's why they are in schools.  When you tell your story, they will want to talk with you about it and find out what is going on.  Tell the counselor or teacher you need 30 minutes of their time.  If they ask you what it's about, say "it's personal, and it needs to be in private".  You don't want to be talking about this while the teacher is on lunchroom duty.  If you can't ask for time in person, write them a note and give it to them.  

    You are going to end up telling some details, because when you say "I don't feel safe", they are going to ask why.  Think about the situation before you talk to someone.  What exactly is happening?  Are you being hit?  Do they throw things at you?  How often do these things happen?  Who is doing it?  Are your Mom and Step dad in counseling?  Don't accuse your parents of being abusive if you are acting poorly.  

    It is important for your teachers to know you have a difficult home life.  Your ability to learn and do your best at school is made worse because you don't feel safe at home.  

  9. Yeah, if you don't feel safe, you should tell your teachers. If you feel safe talking to your parents about it, you should talk to your parents then. If you don't, don't do it. Tell your teachers, and ask them to ask your parents about home life and stuff during parent conference and stuff.

  10. if it's so bad that u think u might die then you definitly need to tell teachers and DHS. but if not then u can tell teachers and they will try to help you but the most that will happen is family conseling. i know because im a sophmore in high school and i went through all of that last year. family counseling really helped though now we are getting along pretty well.

  11. sweetheart, you go straight to a teacher that you trust the most, and you tell her. you have a right to live unafriad and safe in your own home. your mother should be prepared to die for you, not allow abuse of you at the hands of herself and her boyfriend. do it. you get the truth out, and be brave ..big hug for you xx

  12. I hope you understand the consequences of your actions, once you get anyone outside of the house involved, it is out of your hands and you and your brother could end up wards of the state, and nothing you say will stop those wheels of Justice. I would recommend that if you feel you can't talk to your parents, that you write them a letter expressing your concerns and your intentions if things do not improve I would send a copy to your father as well and you can in trust one with a friend if you fear that you could be harmed. Good Luck

  13. you should

  14. I am so sorry that you have a difficult situation at home. You are correct that to ridicule or physically abuse you and your brother is wrong, Of course, often parents and even social workers may not see some things as abuse (spanking for instance). But, if you are feeling unsafe then you need to talk to someone.

    Do you have a favorite teacher at school? One who has known your for more than just this year?  It would be best if you could talk to a teacher or school counselor that is familiar with you and would know that you are telling the truth.  You should tell them a little, not necessarily every detail, but enough--- if you do not feel safe then you should say that! If you are afraid to talk too much, then tell them a little, but write some things down.  It would be very helpful if you could write down exactly what has been happening and even the dates.

    You need to realize that once you report things, the teacher or counselor will want to talk to your parents or social workers and if what is going on is bad, then you may be removed from your home-- but that  might be the only remedy if your parents are quite abusive.  They may only need to talk to counselors or get training.

    You owe it to yourself to talk to someone if you do not feel safe.  Someone you can trust.  If you don't know of a teacher or counselor you can look up the phone number for your county social services and ask to talk to a counselor.  

    I wish you luck. every child should be able to feel safe with their parent,

    Sadly it isn't always the case, but it should be. Take good care

  15. Yes, tell your teachers, abuse is abuse.  It could get worse.  If there is drugs or alcohol involved, they need help and you do too.  No child, no person should live with abuse.  Go to the guidance counselor or a teacher that you trust.  Speak up, and ask for help.  Its understandable that you are torn, but with proper help, you and your brother will be taken care of.

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