
Should I tell on my friend?

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Ok so one of my best friends called me the other day to vent and she told me some things that worry me. Among many other things that aren't good that she's doing, she's tried to kill herself a few times in the past few months. Her parents have no clue what in all she's getting into...I didn't even know. She's not close with her parents whatsoever. She told me not to tell, when I know I have to. All the things she's doing is going to end up killing herself, and/maybe others too. She told me that if I told she wouldn't be my friend anymore. I love her and I want the best for her...she's one of my best friends...should I tell on her anyways? Why can't she see what she is doing is 100% wrong??





  1. i had to go through the same situation, my frend was cutting herself, sh told me not to tell anyone, and i ended up telling her parents, she moved away to live with her dad bcuz she hated me so much after that. but i had to tll, i still love her, and i would rather she hated me, then if she were dead.

  2. I wouldn't 'tell' on her - but I would go to your school counselor, share what you were told, and tell the counselor you aren't sure what you should do. If any action needs to be taken, they will know what is the right thing to do - and they can guide you how to help your friend, and how to deal with what she is telling you. Good luck

  3. whenever i had a fight my guy told me that he would kill himself, earlier i used to get scared but eventually i realised he was such a loser !lately he became loser enough to find no heart to kill himself...

    it takes gut and people don't have one .

    tell her to stop overactin' and u need to be calm enough to give her a good piece of advice(this is incase she has enough guts...u must be knowin' ur frd).

    i hope things go good for u both but if i were there ur frd would have been the last person i would have had cared about.

  4. Maybe your friend is having some mental issues right now, and that is why she cannot see that what she is doing is wrong. At this point she probably doesn't even care, and that is scary. If is between her living or her being mad at you, then i would definitely tell her parents. I'm sure in time she will come to realize that you did it because you care about her, and possibly saved her life. Who knows it might bring her and her parents closer together in the end. Your friend really needs help, and I can tell your a good friend and u want her to be ok, so you gotta do what you gotta do.

    Good luck, hope everything works out ok.

  5. Sometimes doing what is right is more important than keeping a promise. And in this case, it would not at all be considered tattleing. If  you really love your friend, and i can see that you do you should tell, because if you dont and (God forbid) she does happen to kill herself, you'll blame yourself for it for not doing anything to stop it. And although your friend may be angry with you at first, she'll see in good time that she has a lot to thank you for, because she'll understand then that you saved her, and in the long run she'll be grateful. The bottom line is, get her help, whether or not she gets angry.

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