
Should I tell the guy I care about that his best friend did this?

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Alright, well I am seeing this guy but we kinda are on a break because he is in boot camp. However, we still care about one another and hes the kind of guy that hates it if his friends even jokingly hit on his girl. So I was at his best friends house with a bunch of his friends and I kept trying to leave but his best friend would push me and say "I didnt say you could go." Anyways night, goes by and his friend keeps presuring me into have a bunch of whiskey punch until i am drunk and there are only 2 other guys there. So his best friend discreetly sends me a text basically saying he wants me and if i didnt want him to leave right then knowing how drunk I was. I ofcourse left because I knew it would really make the guy I am sorta dating really upset and I really cared about him. (Yes, I was retarded enough to drive about 40 miles drunk it is stupid I know but I couldnt think of any other solution.) Next day I called this guy up and tried to talk to him about what had happened the night before and he basically tells me off and tells me how hes done with people like me and how I am crazy and such.... But my question comes down to, should I tell the guy I am dating that his best friend did this? Or should I just not anything just so he doesnt get in a fight with his best friend?




  1. this is so so so easy...all you have to do is tell the guy u are dating

    its simple :) and they wont get into a fight or they might but you will be doing the right thing


  2. ohh gurl u need to tell him because he will trust you more and he doesnt need that kinda of friend and u did nuthin wrong and whould u like for him to find out some complete lie or you tell him what really happened tell him it will only make him trust u more

  3. I respect girls like you and girls like you are hard to find. but next time you should learn not to get urself in that kind of situations in the first place. instead stick w/ ur friends of his, its better for the both of ya.

    Anywho, if i was your boyfriend in boot camp it would be nice to hear the story from you rather than from my friends.  relationship is built on trust and honesty. and the whole truth to very thing makes it a good foundation.  

  4. i'd tell him but ask him not to be cross with his friend

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