
Should I tell their parents? Last week I was babysitting, they are two kids boy 8, girl 7. they're adorable

by  |  earlier

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adorable. The funny thing about them is, they get along really well. The thing is this: They were making a lot of noise giggling&playing, when it was their bed time, so I yelled for them 2 hurry up with the teethbrushing, & I went into their rooms (adjacent) & then I walked in on them having oral s*x with each other. I pretended nothing had happened & told them 2 cut it out & to get on with brushing teeth but they protested that it wouldn't be fair to the boy, since he already done his share on his sister!? I mean HOLY COW, right?

Now, their parents & (me too), we're pretty liberal, but this is ... IDK a bit much? I'm kinda sure that their parents would freak out A LOT & I think they would punish them pretty severe, they are very Christian & not the forgiving kind either. I'm really scared that they would go all "you are evil" on Zach since he's the oldest and he's the boy etc.

So, should I tell the parents or should I talk 2 the kids 1st, explaining that that stuff isn't really cool?




  1. Talk to the parents.  Usually children are not as "sexualized" by this age, it could be a sign of abuse that the son is suffering at someone elses hands.

  2. Talk to the parents.  They learned this somewhere.  And it's the parent's job, not yours, to investigate.  

    Do not put yourself in the middle of this beyond telling what you saw.  In today's times, fingers point everywhere, including parents, grandparents and babysitters.

  3. You need to tell their parents. It doesn't seem like the kids know *exactly* what they were doing so it may be time for their parents to talk to them and set some boundries.

    ***To your added details*** I understand that you're worried about the parent's reaction to the children, especially with the boy but if you don't tell and they continue on with it, they'll eventually find out the depth and meaning of what they're doing and it may cause some psychological damage. You need to tell the parents. If your still worried then express your concerns with the parents, tell them that you didn't tell them at first because you didn't know how to tell them and that you were worried about how they would react to Zach. Tell them you don't think either of them knew what they were doing or why it was wrong and it may not be the fault of either child.

  4. you should tell the parents. at that age those kids dont need to be doing things like that. and if the parents were to find out that you knew and you didnt tell they may think your encouraging them to do this. so i suggest that you tell the parents, and they can deal with the situation.

  5. 0mg, just try to talk to the kids first.. they are thinking its a game.. or else they could have learn it fr0m adults.. so i think its best.. you ask them.. where they learn it fr0m.. && proceed in d0ing other things.. all the best. =). h0pe things go right!

  6. Wow tis is very serious. The first and only thing you need to do is tell their parents and let them handle it from their!

  7. If this is for real and not a sick joke, you should call Child Protective Services (or have your parents call) and tell them about it.  They will not pass on your name.  Let them handle this. If this is a sick joke, you should be ashamed of yourself.

  8. Tell the parents. It's their job to handle this inappropriate behavior, not yours.

  9. Tell the parents

  10. It is not your place to say anything to the children but you def. need to say something to the parents.  That is not normal... It is very disturbing, they might need some help, they could have been molested and their parents might not know... I am completely disgusted!!! I would call CPS, something is not right in that family!!

  11. You need to tell their parents. You also need to tell your parents or a doctor or some other trusted adult. This is a slippery slope. Incest is illegal in most states. This could also be a sign that the children are being sexually abused. How the heck do 7 and 8 year olds know what oral s*x is?! I recommend you tell not only the parents but someone else you can trust, because unfortunately this is a very litigious society as soon as s*x and children are mixed, the finger pointing begins and they could some how turn things around on you.

  12. I've had some first hand experience with parents freaking out of essentially nothing, so I'm not sure if you should tell the parents right away.

    The very best solution would be of course if you could talk to kids, explain to them that it's not the best way to go, and try them not to do it again. What the parents don't know would not hurt them, however the chances of this working out well are not great.

    The best thing you could do is a hypothetical to the parents of the boy and girl with the famous: "a friend of mine" etc etc. See what their parents say and try to go from there.

    Alternatively, tell your own parents and that teacher, whatever together.

    Okay so what i saw was that this classmate of mine wrote some essay about killing someone, everybody freaked out, he got sent away at 14 to military school, where he got severely bullied, he came back at 16, and as a revenge, he tried to burn his family's house down.

    Later, it turned out he wrote the essay, stealing it from a Stephen King story, and when asked he didn't wanna admit that, and got all defensive, shut down, so they sent him away. And most importantly, he felt betrayed by his parents, which I can see, kinda. Moral: overreacting gets overreacting back, which could burn your house down.

  13. Their parents need to be told.  Trying to handle this yourself would most likely be overstepping your boundary and will cause you grief later on.  It is up to the parents as to how they want to handle this.  But they definitely need to be spoken to so they know this is not acceptable.

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