
Should I tell this filipinas american husband that this girl is talking to other guys?

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I met this filipina in the philippines and knew her for about a year before I gave her an engagement ring. One week later I went back to the U.S. and then I learned from one of her friends that she had just married an american airforce guy. When I asked her she said yes but she didnt love him and was just doing it for a greencard. For the past 10 months that they have been married she has been emailing me telling me that she loves me and sometimes mentioning that she wants to be with me and not her husband. Just recently I went to the Philippines and met a girl and that pissed her off so now she is telling me that she no longer loves me and that she just played me the whole time just so I would have something forward to look to.

Should I tell this girls Husband on her? I am sure I can get his phone number and send him the over 100 emails she has been sending me during the course of thier marriage.




  1. Yes, tell him, send pictures, and also tell him about her two kids.  Whats his number? I'll tell him.

  2. Karma's a ******. Don't seek revenge. Keep on truckin' because the universe (God) has a way of bringing back the negativity that she put out. I know you want to and in a way I also want you to, but in my experience with drama, if you stoop to her level, it will only come back to haunt you.

    Don't worry. She'll get what she deserves. You reap what you sow. Everything you do will come back to you threefold. In one way or another, "punishment" will come back to her since she brought it on herself. She'll probably cheat on her airforce husband anyway and he'll find out and God knows what will happen then.  

    Wipe your hands clean and accept this as a BLESSING IN DISGUISE. You could have married her and she would have milked you for all your could have had children and things would have been even more complicated!!! Find yourself a real woman who offers you what you can offer her. Real love.

  3. qui bono?

  4. Try to stay out of it. It would be best to just block her email address so you wouldn't receive any correspondence from her anymore.

    Consider this even as a blessing for you, and be thankful that you didn't marry this girl. See what life you would have had if your marriage with her pushed-thru. Though, you can't completely regret someone that once made you smile. Best thing to do now is to ignore her and move on with your life.

    Hope this helps.  

  5. TELL HIM!!!

    I hope you tell him so he can call off the green card!!!

    There is no point to letting a cheater into the US, and she does NOT deserve her husband!

  6. getting even is the best revenge, and it feels good too

  7. DO IT PLEASE!!! TEACH THAT (3 letters describing a women who sells her body) NOT TO MESS WITH YOU. YA DIG?

  8. I would say stay out of it and don't do anything stupid to get back at her. She might be a total *****, but it's better just to leave it alone. Get on with your life and if the other guys stays with her it's their relationship. I've found that often times when you don't know the whole story it's better to leave it alone and take yourself out of the picture before it gets more complicated and it sucks you up. If that woman wants to play games then just stay clear of her.

  9. I don't know what I would do, but the guy probably deserves to know.

  10. Keep out of it unless she drags you in again or threatens you for some reason. Send her hubby the emails.

    There are better women out there, worth your attention.

  11. If that filipina still bother you tell to his husband, that thing should stop, thats why the reputation of filipina become bad because of that kind of woman.  

  12. sending the girl's emails to the husband won't do any good.  everybody will get hurt.  remember you were part of the play.  you  f***ed her when you were together in philippines, didn't you?.  these things when learned by her husband would also bring anger and hatred against you.  just forget the whole thing and warn the girl that if she didn't stop,  you have no choice but to tell the whole story to her husband.

  13. Don't get drawn in to that snake pit.  Trying to get revenge will cost you even more grief.  She will get what she deserves sooner or later.  Forget her and move on.  This girl is trouble with a capital T.  If she will not leave YOU alone then you could do something but remember.  When that other guy dumps her, she'll come after you.  Don't re-light that fire.  Any Filipina who does what she did does not deserve a better life.  She's the one giving all the good ones a bad reputation.

  14. I normally would say do it for all the "nice guys that finish last". But may be you should hold off because you don't really know what her husband is capable of. For all we know he's a punk that beats his wife. So to get back at her you just let her know that she's lucky that all you have to do is send her husband something and she'll be in a world of you know what.

  15. is ur ex gf u met is from manila?

    all i can say is dnt make decision when ur will ruin everything to her..or dnt reply anymore to her email..but if she still continue to contact..then thats the time to warn her

    i hope i help..

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