
Should I tell you what NATO really stands for ? ?

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No Action Taken Organization- pretty much sums it up




  1. This is stupid. Why did you post this.  NATO saved us from a world war and from communism.

  2. Very good, they really dont do much but waste resources, get rid of them and the UN and start a organization of true Democracies.

  3. I knew that !!! It's 100% correct.

  4. NATO is an alliance, not a government. If you want a bloated and inactive world gov't, look to the UN.

  5. How do you explain their intervention in the Balkans then?

  6. CIA World Factbook:

    Progress on market reforms and democratization has been made in the years since independence, but this progress has been complicated by two ethnic conflicts in the breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. These two territories remain outside the control of the central government and are ruled by de facto, unrecognized governments, supported by Russia.

    It's GEORGIA'S FAULT for launching acts of war against a Russian de facto government.

  7. I guess the school you go to does not teach history.

  8. Unfortunately, many of our so-called allies in NATO don't have the stomach for standing up to the Russian bullies. Even though we pulled their hind ends out of fascism in World War 2 and freed millions after the collapse of the Soviet Union. These "wanna be" Soviets that are currently and illegally occupying the 2  tiny areas in Georgia where the Russians have fomented trouble for the purpose of "taking over" Georgia and committing acts of genocide and and ethnic cleansing against the Georgian people. Many of our european partners in NATO need to grow some balls and tell Russia who REALLY runs europe.

  9. If McCain is elected- North American Titty Organization.

  10. You are right on!


  11. It's the gutting of the American military, Democrat cancel or

    cut back on weapons programs,

    Vietnam and Korea reminds us that the Democrats get us into


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