
Should I text him back?

by Guest55832  |  earlier

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My ex-boyfriend and I broke up 3 weeks ago and since then he has been extremely rude to me one time when I saw him out in public and said some really mean things to me. Today he texted me and asked me if I hated him. I told him that I hated no one. He texted me back asking if I hated him because he had broken up with me. But that was the problem. I had been the one who had told him that we would be better apart and I reminded him of that. He then texted me back saying: Why don't you just leave me alone and get over it. DON'T REPLY TO THIS. I told him that if he didn't want me to respond to something like that then he shouldn't have texted me with a stupid question like that. Then he said he had to go because he was at church. It made me really mad that he would do that and I don't understand why he would ask me a question like that. I kinda want to text him back and ask him why he would think that but I am afraid he would get mad. All I want is to just be his friend but I just don't know. Should I text him?




  1. Um yeah honey he is being a major JERK!!! You shouldnt have to text him or do anything just leave him alone. Dont reply to his texts or anything for a while hes just trying to get your attention and is trying to confuse you, why would you wanna be friends with a guy who does that? Just show him you dont need him..Hope that helps :)

  2. Let it go. No more texting....time to move on*

  3. no dont text him it will make him mad and only make matters worse. just give him some space and see if he wants to be friends again... and if hes just gonna act like a jerk and he doesnt wanna be friends then just let him go. if he is going to be rude to you then hes not a true friend.. so for now give him some space and let him cool down. and if he doesnt start being nice again then just dont talk to him anymore.

    hope this helps!

  4. No.  He told you not to after asking you a question which is really stupid.  I would just ignore him.  It will probably bother him until he sends another stupid txt. If he does, just ignore him.

  5. Yes because it would make you the bigger person and just tell him yu want to be friends...if he answers rudely then hes an ignorant person

  6. no give him some space let him come to you. when he does forgive him and be friends again!

  7. listen hun, all u need to do is just leave him alone, don't bother w/all the mind games he intends to play, don't even bother to text him back or even call him. That's exactly what he wants you to do, he wants you to be hot and bothered over everything, and then you'll be restless w/out him, don't even give him the satisfaction of that.Just move on, forget him!

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