
Should I throw my friend a baby shower?

by  |  earlier

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I KNOW I already asked this question but I wanted to possibly get a pregant woman's POV that's why I re-posted in the pregnancy category.

I have this friend who is pregnant but the circumstances are anything but happy surrounding her pregnancy she is miserable. Her husband basically told her he wants nothing to do with her of the baby and threw her out, I was with her when she told her mom over the phone and her mom wasn't really happy to hear the news, and she lost one of her jobs.

Do you think a shower would be a good idea or would it just add to the drama that is already present /and or draw attention to her situation? Should I just go shopping and give her a bunch of presents from me?

She has a male cousin that she is close to-( although he can be sometimey though) and I would need him to get to her other friends and family so they can be invited or told what they need to contribute to the shower such as the food.




  1. I think that would be really nice of you. She probably would be estatic to know that she has  a good friend that will be there for her. Good for you!

  2. I have a friend throwing me a baby shower, and it makes me so happy to know that someone does care that I'm pregnant and they want to help share in it. It will also help her too, she is going to need baby things, and if she ends up in the end having to do that herself, it may add to her being upset. Go for it and be the friend that you would like to have. Good kharma.

  3. I found a site that will surely help you...

  4. i think it would be a good idea especially since she will need the help getting things.  by the time its close enough to have a shower she may be happier about the pregnancy

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