
Should I throw out my contacts as directed?

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I've heard from many individuals that they've kept their lenses for more than 2 weeks (or a month), when the contact lenses are meant for only a 2 week or 1 month disposable. They don't wear their lenses everyday, but they were them about every two days or so.

I was wondering if I should just throw mine (1 month) when it's been 1 month regardless of how long or often I wear them.. because wouldn't the bacteria build-up be bad over such a long time?




  1. I have contact prescriptions for two-weekers and I wear them daily.  My doctor said that it's okay to wear them longer than two weeks, and that I'll know when it's time to change them.  I can get anywhere from the two weeks to a month out of a pair.  The minute they feel different, sting when they're in my eye, give me a blurry vision etc. I throw them out.

  2. I'm wearing B&L Purevision Toric Lens that are monthly disposable. Although they are better than other types of lenses because it is silicon hydrogel lens and allows more oxygen to get into the lenses, I stick to my schedule and throw them after a month I've opened them, regardless how many DAYS I've worn them.

    I heard many of my friends and individuals continuing using their lenses even though it's way beyond the schedule, but it's always to be safer than sorry. :)

    Eyes are the most important part of our body, and they are the windows of our soul. Nothing beats than keeping them healthy.

    Well of course, you dont have to dispose them off as accurately as 30 days, plus and minus is fine. you can wear up for 30-35 days, as long as they still feel comfortable.

    But of course, i would throw my lenses as directed, with plus and minus around 30. Bacteria would tend to build up as you wear along, and cleansing and disinfecting them with solution cleans protein build up and other debris..but the lenses over a long period will tend to wear and tear and feel uncomfortable.

    well, it's up to the individuals really, many of them would wear them for quite some time beyond their schedule. however, like what i do, i'll suggest throwing them away as directed to ensure healthy eyes and prevent unneccessary issues and complications in the long run. :)

  3. Doctors usually tell you to throw contacts away after 2 weeks. You are not supposed to leave them in but of course people do. If you leave your contacts in for 2 weeks they will become less useful unlike if you take them out and put them in on a regular basis. If you put you contacts in the liquid every night it will kill the majority of bacteria but after about a month in a half you should throw the contacts out and get some new ones.

  4. I have 1 month lenses too. I wear them 30 times in a 60 day period. Bacteria do not build up, it is the deposits from your tears that can build up, and monthly lenses are designed to resist build up for about 30 wears. The bacteria thing should be being addressed by your disinfecting regimen. People do over wear their contacts, and also sleep in lenses NOT sesigned to sleep in, but the problems that that can cause, and does cause is just not worth it. Overwear and misuse can cause corneal ulcers, Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis, and corneal neovascularization. Look those up and you will not want it to happen to you. The best thing is to tell your doctor that you do not wear them every day and you want to know what they recommend for a replacement schedule for the frequency that you use them. They might just tel you something you would like to hear! Just do not go about over using them without your doctor's care. It is not fun to get complications and it is way more expensive to treat those issues that it is to keep your eyes healthy by changing your lenses when you are supposed to!

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