
Should I tile my tub surround?

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I have a standard vinyl surround in my bathrooms and I'd like to remove it and install tile. My only concern is that I won't be able to seal the tile and grout enough to keep it clean.

What's your experience?




  1.   If the lipping on your tub is the proper type and under the drywall you have a couple options.. 1 is to put a cement board over the drywall  and tile over that having the right trim to cover the edge of the board..Or you can put the cement board over the bare studs and use a surface trim to finish it off..You ll never have a problem w/ a glazed tile but you should have to seal the grout w/ a pentatrating sealer (recommend 2x s) Most pentatrating sealers last for years now and it s basicaly spray on and wipe off w/ just a few precations per the label..GL

  2. sure you can seal it plenty but you will have to keep it clean and reseal yearly. But it is so much nicer than that vinly.

  3. I do not like tile inside the tub. Grouting is porous and subject to failure (leaking).  To me it is the same as tiling inside your toilet.  I want my toilet sanitary, not pretty.  

    I work for Bath Fitter and I really like the acrylic tile wall pattern with the acrylic tub liner. It seals the entire area and makes it sanitary and you need only clean it with windex or amonia water. I have seen many upscale homes that have acrylic inside the tub/shower area and a nice expensive tile floor and nice shower doors or curtain outside and it looks beautiful. ZERO MAINTENANCE, and it lasts 30 to 45 years.  Acrylic is non -porous.

    Good luck!

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