I've already taken one practice ACT test (the english, 75 questions in 45 minutes) and I had to skip about 6 of them and just guess on then because I ran out of time.
Should I continue to time myself, or should I just do it so that I can get the practice in actually getting familiar with the tests?
I know I could have gotten at LEAST 5 more right had I taken my time and thought about it instead of spending 36 seconds on it. (I got a 25 on the English test - 22 wrong - and at least 5 of them I could have gotten if I had taken my time).
I've only been studying for the English for about a week and a half, but I want to know the ACT really well by the end of this summer so I can get a good grade on it for the Air Force Academy :)
Thanks to anyone who can help me out, I really appreciate it.
P.S. If you have any study advice, please let me know (I'm using the Princeton Review ACT 2008 book).