
Should I train for a 2 Mile run or practice running the 2 miles and the mile everday timing myself?

by Guest56038  |  earlier

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Having been training for the last five weeks, should I just practice running the 2 miles and the 1 mile, timing my mile runs everday, or should I just keep trianing?

I have to run 2 miles under 13 minutes for my school fall sport.

I have been training everyday for the last five weeks on the bike-path for 30 minutes.

My 2 mile time right now is 14:56 (Ran it having sore/painful legs because of training everyday and I had already ran 3 miles that day).

I have 3.5 weeks (25 days) left before I get tested.





  1. id recommend you cut down on your training days and work harder in the days you train, you wont gain much/anything from training hurt, if anything over training will wear you out. So in my opinion train 3/4 days max a week and extend distance from 2 miles to 2.5 miles and try to get under 13 mins which will make the 2 mile  seem alot easier.

    hope ive helped you

  2. Well my two mile p.r. is 9:50 and i dont think you should just train for just two miles and the mile timing yourself. Firstly because your legs are just getting more fatigued and the lactic acid are still in your legs from running hard the previous day! I dont know if you do two-a-days but i will include them anyways.

    Monday:  Tempo Run (2.5 miles out easy-medium, 2.5 back medium hard pace)

    Evening- Easy Run(3.5 miles easy pace- 6:40 to 7 min pace

    Tuesday: Fartlek Run (2 min easy, 1 min hard for 3 miles)

    Wed: Just a Run Run( 5-6 miles medium pace)

    Thurs: Tempo(same as monday)

    Friday: Speed Work: depending on your fitness level do(5X400 at mile pace)(8X200 at mile pace)

    Saturday: Long Run(6-10 miles easy-medium wanting to get the lactic out from friday)

    Sun: Rest Day.

    *Tip: remember stretching is important but warming up is way more important. Drink, drink , drink a ton of water and cross training wont hurt either maybe twice a week.

  3. The way to train for long runs is to do even longer runs

    I did the 2mile in high school and 3x a week we would do 5 mile runs

    Extend your distance. That way when you have to run only 2 miles it will seem easy peezy.

    When you run your 2mile focus on negative splits

    *running the last half of the race faster then the first

    If you want any more clarification feel free to email


  4. I would stop running the two miles and either work on long distances 3-5 miles or do a bunch of sprints. I did sprints on Monday (it's wednesday) and my legs are smoked.

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