
Should I train my dog to go outside?

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I have a 14 week old chiuahaha and I'm having a real hard time training him to go outside, he was good using the puppy pads as long as he was in my room he would use them but as soon as i let him run free around my house he would go where ever he wanted. I don't know if because he is such a small dog maybe I should just keep him on puppy pads forever and just put a baby gate infront of my door in my room? Also because I work 10 hours 5 days a week I don't have time to come home and let him out.




  1. This may sound mean it isnt meant to be, why did you get a dog you cant care for thats a lot of hours to be away from a new baby.  

  2. You really should not have got a dog that you can not care for. You can't keep a dog locked up all the time. They need to go outside and run and play. A dog would be miserable if they never got to go outside in ...forever.

  3. Well there is your issue. WHY get a puppy if you cant not be there to let him out every 30mins or have some one do it. a puppies bladder can NT hold it for 10 hours. they need consistent training and it looks like you can not do it. so yes those disgusting puppy pads will just have to stay. but it seems you will have to train the pup to use those too. You know you cant just expect a dog to use them, you have to show them every 30mins to a hour to use them,

  4. Try a litter box!

    Good Luck!

  5. If you have a car garage which you own, you can put a small doggy door going inside to outside.  The put up a fence on the inside for him to stay confined, and a fence on the outside, where he can easily play outside and go potty while you're gone.  My puppy didn't like puppy pads at all.  We crate trained him... That's where you put them in a crate while you're gone, and since they don't like to mess up their space, they don't go potty until you let them outside.  It's a good way to train a puppy.  Good luck!

  6. If you work that much, you should find a day care for your baby or rehome it to someone who has the time to give the dog what it needs!

  7. Puppy pads usually just confuse the dog into thinking that it's ok to go in the house thus he pees in your house.  I don't know what to tell you other than you need to crate train him and get him going outside and get a dog walker in around the middle of the day to let him out.  Or you could put him in doggie daycare so he's supervised all day and you don't have to worry that he's peeing in the house or that hes' lonely.  You really work too much to have a dog though.  Are you going to keep him locked in your room for the next 15 years?  

  8. My aunt has a Chihuahua and she trained her to go out side but she ever lets her out she always uses the puppy pads since that is so much easier and she know that she want go anywhere in the house except for on the pads. I would use a gate while you was at work but when you get home I would him run and learn him that when he has to go potty he can go on the pads no matter where he is at in the house, if you have to set out 2 or 3 in the house so he knows where they are and he can go to them instead of having one because his bladder is so small, as he get older I would take one then they other and so on till he just uses the one.

  9. Its preferable to have dogs go outside. But since he is so small there is nothing wrong with puppy pads if its what he likes.

  10. your puppy is still really young so give it time. Chihuahuas are really smart so he will catch on eventually. i think because he is so young his attention span isn't cooperating with you trying to train him.

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