
Should I train my kitten not to bite my hands when playing at all?

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So here's the deal: Tabs is a 7 week old male tabby kitten. He LOVES to play with my hands and feet and it's a lot of fun teasing him with my hands.

However, I've read that I should be training him NOT to bite in this way and so I've been using a water spray bottle on and off for when he does start to bite my hands or feet. The thing is, he KNOWS it's just play so he barely bites hard at all. I know he can bite much harder because he can eat kibble. He only gets harder once he gets more riled up, and if it does get to that point I yell "NO!" or spray him with the water.

Should I keep playing with him with my hands? He LOVES it more than any toy because he thinks I am a fellow cat/litter mare, so he loves the stimulation. Like I said he doesn't bite hard and I think he knows it is just for play. As long as I reprimand him when it gets too hard, it shouldn't be a problem playing with him with my hands, right?

He just loves it so much, and I know the risks that come with it, but he's just a kitten. Thoughts, anyone?




  1. Well, I agree with other posters - don't let your kiten do this.  He will grow up learning its okay to bite and scratch.

    A few simple solutions:

    -Squeeling like a kitten is good

    -Only playing rough with him with a toy, something he can beat up.

    -Putting him down, in another room, very quickly after he bites.

    One thing to consider - a 7 week old kitten is too young to be away from his litter.  At 7 weeks, a kiten would be starting to be weaned, still learning how to be a cat, and how to read cat language.  Its really important to wait until the kitten is 10 or 12 weeks before adoption.  I'm not blaming you, the standard was a cat could go home at 6 weeks, and is still followed, but by allowing the cat to stay with mom for another 3 weeks, he would have learned bite and claw inhibition, or the start of bite and claw inhibition.  If you are considering another kitten, the time to get it would be right now :)

  2. this makes me what a kitten..

    no, its not a problem at all.

    sounds like you have him under control.

  3. It's really best not to use your hands as a toy - right now it's cute because he's so little, but it won't be so cute when he's 4 or 5 months old and biting much harder, even if it is in play.  At 7 weeks, he really should still be with his mom and siblings (I'm not faulting you at all, really!).  It's the time between weaning and up to 12 weeks when kittens learn their "social skills" like how it's not appropriate to bite, and how to play nicely.  They teach each other by squealing when they get too rough, and by refusing to play when one get to enthused about the biting.  Since he doesn't have his siblings any more, you're now his teacher.  Use a toy to play with him, never your hands, and if and when he does bite or latch on, squeal like a kitten (yes, I know it sounds silly but he'll understand the sentiment), stop playing with him, and firmly tell him NO BITE.  Then ignore him for a few minutes, kind of a time out.  

    He's just a kitten, but he's going to grow up into an 8-12 pound cat!  

  4. He will out grow it. It is normal. Just play with him. Kitten are always biting and running around. They are babies.

  5. All kittens do this, Its where they are teething:- Its sometimes a nice feeling, Where they're gums are sore - it soothes it.


    He will stop after his adult teeth have all came through, which is about 4-6 months? Im not sure.

  6. As long as he's not biting hard or scratching, it's fine. With other peoples cats I get wary when i play with them because I don't know if they're hard scratchers or biters...but if it's gentle, and doesn't hurt or make you flinch, it's fine. As long as he doesn't have his claws out when hes playing with you, that can get painful :P

    He's fine. Leave him be, it's a lot more fun with a cat who loves to play, than if you scold him for doing so, because he'll probably grow up into a cat that doesn't like to play.

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