
Should I trim my budgies claws?

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Basically we think they're getting a little too long now, so is it okay to trim his claws? We would take him to the vet to have it done, but we are not sure whether it is necessary. Help please?




  1. Yes Poppet it is necessary.Sand Paper and cuttlefish are also helpful, the cuttlefish[ from pet shop] will help keep the beak in trim and the sand paper the claws.

    Don't attempt to do this yourself unless you know exactly what you are doing.Budgies have a quick in the claw and if cut too short will bleed.

  2. I don't think it's necessary to trim his claws unless they seem to be causing him trouble.

    If you do decide to go ahead, then be careful not to trim them too short. There's a blood vessel in a budgie's claw that will bleed if the claw is cut too short. You should be able to see a red streak if you hold the claw up to the light. This is the blood vessel. Have one person to hold the budgie firmly and another person to trim the claws. Use an ordinary pair of nail clippers or nail scissors. Go slowly and only take a little bit off at a time. Stop within a safe distance of the blood vessel.

    To keep his claws short in future you could use sandpaper perch covers but be careful to only use these on one perch in the cage and not to use them all the time or your budgie might get sore feet.  

  3. Do not trim his claws.  They are for perching and are for balance but you should ask your vet to trim them leave it to a proffesional.  

  4. bringe to vet

  5. If you think that the claws need trimming and you have never trimmed them before it is best to take the bird to your local veterinarian as if you trim incorrectly it will cause profuse bleeding and endanger the bird...

  6. I'd guess that it's unnecessary. The budgies flying wild in Australia don't pop in to the vets to have their nails done. I don't know though. Maybe they don't get worn the same if they're in captivity.

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