
Should I try Proactive?

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I probably have about mild acne. Its not too bad but i have had it for 2-3 years and im just tired of it and want to get rid of it. I have tried many different neutrogena products, clean and clear, clearsil, reg non scented soap and it just doesn't work. Usually when I try something new it will get a little better then just stay like that- no new zits but not getting any better. I ahvent tried proactive but im wondering if i should. I have heard many people say it worked and many people say all it did was dry out my skin. Do you think I should try proactive? and if it do get it and it does clear my skin would i have to keep buying it in order to keep my skin clear? Oh and also if this helps im 14. And my mom doesnt want to take me to a determintologist so please dont reccromend that. Thanks.




  1. Give it a go.. but maybe before you do try other products with peroxide in them and make sure it wont make it worse, also Don't use coloured towels with your pro-active - it bleaches them!!! , I have so many bleached towels at home, but yes proactive does work for some, not for me ( i have quite dry skin) But for my sister who had terrible acne and fair skin it cleared her right up!

  2. Well, when I used it, it didn't help me at all and I used it for a long time. I guess it just depends on the person because my friend said it worked for her.

  3. it's probably just hormones, try proactive, you can't just ask if it'll work when we don't know,  ya know!? so just try it, it works for some people, and not for others. you may be a lucky one!

    all i know is you need to stick with it!

    also if you are that self conscious about your skin, go see a doctor at the clinic, tell them how self conscious you are about your acne and they usually prescribe a topical ointment or pills.

    they gave me benzaclin it works wonders (:

  4. proactive doesn't work, it just eats your money

    I use Clinique and that actually works, you can get it Gottchalks or Macy's.  

  5. yes u should! i use it when i first started i hat acne and the very next day i noticed my acne clearing up!

  6. ummm idk im in the same position as u I'm 14 with a couple of zits that just needs to go away and stay away. ive used proactive for 1 year and it hasn't doe anything for me so i just switched to nutragena so i honestly think nothing works i do have ZENO its pretty expensive and it works on one zit at a time. zeno makes ur face very red in the places where u use it so i sagest not going anywhere for half the day. u can buy zeno at walgreens and i heard victoria secrets.

  7. no you shouldn't cause it contains benzoyl peroxide which helps get rid of acne fast but is terrible for the quality of your skin and causes scarring. it might work at first but after a while it'll stop working  

  8. proactive may or may not work.every1 is different. for me i wash my face but also take vitamins and drink a lot of water. this helps bc acne can be caused by greasy foods.

  9. well just try it.  i heard alot of people love it. i havent used it, personally.

    its just trial and error.

    the only thing you could lose is like 20$ bucks.

  10. my brother has an acne problem he tryed it and nothing happend im always telling him that nothing wud help it wud pass by it self its the body reacting so yea it might help you lol gud luck

  11. I think proactive is one of those things that it either works for you or it doesn't.. i know a few ppl who love it because for them it worked and a couple of my friends it definitely was not right for them..

    I can also understand your mom not liking the dermatologist idea.. because they can tell you, you need to be on some harsh medication such as accutane and birth controls.. but seeing as your still pretty young and your acne is mild that is definitely not the path you want to go down..

    My advice.. try it.. it could potentially help plus i've been finding lately that they are really good about giving deals on the stuff to get ppl to try it.. also i'm pretty sure that with proactive being a cleanser you would have to use it consistantly for a lil while to ensure your face stays clear.. you pretty much have to do that with any ance treatment you try really.. you need to stick to it..

    other things to try though.. drink lots of water daily to flush out toxins in your skin.. also make sure any makeup you wear doesn't clog your pores.. i believe its called hypo-allergenic.. (if you are looking for a good coverup-foundation i would use this wet/dry foundation by a company called prestige.. its pretty cheap and works like magic it literally replaced 3 different things i used in this 1).. also sometimes over-washing your face isn't good either because you are removing natural oils from the skin.. my routine during the day is wake up and have a shower/wash my face... and then at night wash my face as well as use a clearing astringent of some kind to make sure you got rid of any excess dirt left behind from just washing.. (using astringent too much though is not good either.. it can dry out your face)

    remember its good to stick to a routine when dealing with acne.. and hopefully I've helped in some way.. good luck to you!!

  12. personally proactive didn't work for me but it works for other people so i would say try it if u think it'll work for you

    but i think u should try "clean & clear advantage acne control" if u havent already cuz i tried it after proactive didnt work for me and it cleared my acne up after 3 days i think  

  13. plz pick me!!!! :]

    i totally agree! i had acne for about 2 years now. i have tried everything you have tried and even more! nothing worked for me and my acne got worse than before. so i tried proactive and now i don't have anymore acne! yay! btw i'm 13.

  14. u could but of course it might work then again it may not  

  15. i've personally tried proactiv and it just irritated me even more... the whole 3 step system was just too much on my skin & so I went to a derm. & I got better. but since your mom doesn't want to take you, i guess here's something i can suggest:

    - get a MILD cleanser (maybe cetaphil for normal-oily skin)

    - & buy ONLY the step 3 of the proactiv and dab a little bit of it on your skin...

    i'm not saying it'll work, but in my regime, the milder, the better because i have really sensitive skin...

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