
Should I try clomid now? Chart included!?

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I am getting frustrated since I feel very sure that I am not ovulating. I went off bcp in February and have had only 1 period (one induced by Provera). I am charting and saw an RE since my hormone levels were extremely low. He discussed starting clomid (was sure it wasn't PCOS, even though I thought maybe) and I found out my insurance won’t cover more visits until February (trying for a year). The nurse at my gyno’s office said they would offer to prescribe Clomid, yet, with the holiday, everything is closed and I just got back from vacation. What is your opinion? Do I start clomid or wait it out? Any advice welcome. Thanks!!!!




  1. I would say go for it.  Although it can take up to 12 months for your cycles to return to normal after stopping extended birth control use, I don't have all the hormone levels your doctor has.  Apparently they saw something abnormal enough to recommend medication (I also do not ovulate and started taking Clomid before a year under direction of my OB/Gyn, though I was never on birth control but 2 months in my life).  Everyone's thinking with me was I have to do 6 mos on Clomid either way, may as well get it over with now (Clomid costs very little - walmart charges $9 per month at 50 mg/day, but my local independent pharmacy charges $20 for 3 months at 50mg/day, so I didn't use my insurance because my insurance charges more for the medication than my pharmacy does).  I am in the 2WW of my second month on the meds and I've ovulated both times.  At 6 mos if not pregnant, I hope to try Femara for 3-6 mos and then go to an RE for the horrible stuff I hope to never deal with.  Good luck whatever you decide!

  2. it's hard to take Clomid without supervision but some women do that, if you do a lot of research you could try it one month and see how it goes, but it all depends on how comfortable you feel, as there might be side effects, you can also ask an RE online for free for advice, and also find many others taking Clomid who could provide you with advice, try

    good luck!!!

  3. It looks to me as if you could have ovulated on cd21. It is impossible to tell for sure because of all the missing temps after that. You could try clomid, but personally, before I did that I'd chart an entire cycle just to be sure. I think you did ovulate.

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