
Should I try homeschooling ??

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Hi I'm in the 9th grade in Canada. & I want to try homeschooling. Now I've told my parents that but none of them want me to homeschool. Why Do I want to homeschool? 1. Because I think that I'll do better academically better then what I'm doing right now in public school. 2. Because it will give me more time to work on my homework. 3. I am personally sick of public school, I mean the public school I'm currently going to is my 12th school I've gone to since I started going to school in Kindergarten. & finally 4. I always wanted to homeschool cause if I were to homeschool I feel like my life would be so much better. Also does it cost money to homeschool ???

Besides if I were to see that homeschooling is not working out for me Which I extremely doubt it, Could I go back to regular school the next school year which is September 2008????

So should I do it ?? Should I try homeschooling just to see what it's like & to see if I like it ??

I really want to do this. I am up to the challenge.




  1. Don't do it. You typical lose your ability to adapt socially. I'm in college and all of the home schooled students are total outcast. You feel bad for them but it's too late to change it.

  2. yes. you should try homeschooling, but you should read about unschooling first and see if you like it better.


    and wiki

    Oh yeah and read:

    The Teenage Liberation Handbook by Grace Llewelln

    expences depend on how much your parents want to spend.

  3. There are certain types of schools that are kind of like homeschooling...they meet only 2 or 3 times a week and assign you homework for all of the other days so it is not as bad and your parents don't have to do a whole lot...I started homeschooling with my mom's help but now I just do the work on my own. Don't let anyone else tell you that you are unsocialized, they obviously haven't been homeschooled.

  4. there are online schools you can attend and self learn.  not sure bout the cost though.

  5. It would probably help if you did your research and decided which philosophy or curriculum you wanted to follow. Your parents aren't going to put in the time to consider all the options. If you do it, then present them with a summary of what you want to do and how much it will cost, you'll have a better chance of convincing them.

  6. i did some homeschooling for a while,and i didnt learn much,not more than i could have learned if i was in class,and i missed many opportunities

  7. it will affect to your confidence-level,, you should be expose outside... try to get more good friends...

  8. Yes you should try homeschooling


  9. homeschooling means online schooling....its better

  10. Since there's only a few more months left in the year, and you are so sure that you want to do it, I would say go ahead and try. You will definitely be able to go back to public school next year if you do not like it. However, talking your parents into it might be difficult, I would try giving them the reasons you have here and some stronger ones, if you can think of any.

  11. Expense-wise, home education can cost as little or as much as your parents want to spend: our parents home-educate us for approx. $50 per kid, per year, but they could prolly spend thousands of $$$ if they wanted to!

    The *ONE* thing you need in order to home-educate is your parents on side though - you can't do it without their agreement or support even if you then sign up with a distance education provider or use a school-in-a-box type programme or simply become an auto-didact ('Unschooler'), comme moi, and educate youirself. Parental agreement is non-avoidable I'm afraid because they're the only ones who can withdraw you from school (in order to homeschool).

    Oh and yes, if you wanted to go back to school (having left to home-school) you should be able to do that at any time - again, you'd just have to have your parents' agreement and they'd just have to re-enrol you in a public/private school.

  12. Well as for trying, it's up to your local school system to accept or not accept the credits and work done.  You need to talk with them and find out how they would evaluate it or if they have some programs they automatically accept.

    There are a variety of systems from on-line offerings (most charge a fee) to programs that come complete in a box (like buying Microsoft Office, you get books, disks, tests) to books you simply buy at a book store covering your work area.

    I mean if it's time to study Geometry you get a Geometry books and work the problems.

    There are dozens to choose from, some are the same books used in College or Private Schools

  13. Uh, don't your parents sort of have to down for that sort of thing first?

    Who's going to homeschool you?

    Yes, there are extra expenses to homeschooling.

  14. Dont do homeschool is expensive and you will fall behind socially.

  15. i think you should try it im home schooled and its great.

    It does cost money to be homeschooled with tutors and stuff but its worth it

    Good luck!!

  16. hey!!

    i  have been home schooled all my life and brother and sister were also. (and no, we don't live in some weird litte town where there are no schools) it might be better if you tryed doing charter school. it's funded by the goverment and you get a free computer to do work on. however if you wan't less work (or more time) that would not be the case, because you are still doing the same work you would be doing at school only it would be at home on the computer. but your parents might like it better. good luck!!!


  17. You can only do what your parents will allow.  If they don't have the extra time to do it because they work full time, then you can't get mad at them for that.  Also, if they were to have you homeschooled with a tutor that cost big $$$.

    And yes, you can always go back to regular school, but more than likely you will not be in the correct grade (either ahead or behind the other students)

  18. I homesvhool my 16 year old daughter - it's a serious commitment of both time and energy - there is allot that has to be done. If your parents both work then it probably wont happen. There are also educational requirements for the teacher so if your parents don't have the required credentials then they cannot instruct you. Do a little more research online as to what the exact requirements are where you live and approach your parents with the answers to any questions they may have.

    Good Luck

  19. There are a lot of points to consider with your question:

    1) Your options at this point depend on where you live. There isn't one single law in Canada in terms of homeschooling--it's in the province's control.

    2) If your parents don't want you to homeschool, then how are you going to homeschool? Or are they leaving it up to you but won't be supportive? Are they going to provide advice on essays and stories you write? Are they going to check your answers from whichever text you are using, especially if it doesn't come with answers? That is, if your parents are unsupportive but will still let you, you are on your own--there's nobody there to give you assignments/homework to hand in. You'd have to decide what needs to be done and do it.

    3) If you can go to high school in the fall if you start homeschooling now will depend a bit on where you live and what you study.

    4) Yes, it costs money to homeschool, but not in the sense that you have to pay the government in order to homeschool. What will you use to study math? You'll need a text--and the school's not just going to let you have one (although, if you live in Alberta, there are a couple of boards that have resources for rent). You might need other resources that you can't find at the library. How much needs to be spent depends on what you want to learn and which resources you want to use.

    Check for more information on homeschooling in your province. You might try contacting a homeschool group for your province or city and asking them about getting back into school after homeschooling or anything else. Also, if you're planning on getting a diploma, you'll have to find out the regulations concerning that. There's at least one province that will NOT give provinicial diplomas to homeschoolers.

  20. homeschooling is not easy it's hard. You won't have a teacher around to help, your on your own. My cousin got lazt on home schooling and ended up not doing her work I say bad idea good luck.

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