
Should I try out for Volley Ball?

by  |  earlier

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my name is "claire" i hav this friend (im gonna call her lil lupin) (dont ask) anyway, she wants me 2 but i dont really want 2 becuz VB is really boring 2 me but i said i would eailier. shes goes 2 a diff. skool so we would verse eachother. it would b fun sometimes but boring and a pain other times. what do u think i should do??? should i try out?

lil lupin is pretty much "begging" me 2.

(i like funny answers. i would rather that than a real one) (dont worry, i wont report u)




  1. yes

  2. of coarse u should tryout. lil lupin sounds smart. if its boring, then get ovr it. :p

  3. Claire, I think you need to tell this lil lupin friend of yours that you will try out as long as she does the following:

    1) Buys you the right spandex.

    2) Buys you a life time supply of M&Ms.

    3) Asks out the hottest guy in school for you.

    4) Calls you Big Lupin for now on.

    That sounds pretty fair, doesn't it? :)

  4. if u look good in spandex!

  5. tell her that you're not really that interested in volleyball and that you'd like to do something else (tell her in a nice way) i dont see why she wants you to play volleyball since you two go to different schools.

  6. Well, myself I think you should unless it's not a mixed team, if it's a girls team don't try out cause.... if it's a mixed team you can just spend your time flirting and looking at hot guys lol

  7. I think u should! It will b fun!

  8. you said you would so you should do it! It will be fun, i promise! i didn't want to join but then i did and was so excited that i did b/c i had so much fun with my friends!!!

  9. You should because it's definitely the best sport in the world. Yeah, when I tried out for club in 6th grade I thought I would hate it. Then I started liking it. Its a real good way to take out your rage. I agree with the person above who said get her to do stuff for you about it. Like buy you something lol.

  10. NO.

    Y do u have to do anything that is so boring 2U. Just keep joking her around that should be fine.

    Tell her that you would go to California for beach volleyball tomorrow and maybe she could be tricked into purchasing a non-returnable red-eye. Don't tell her I made the suggestion though.

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