
Should I try out for a new company or just stick with the one I have.

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I've always been told I was a somewhat decent ballet dancer and I've gotten solos in many dances, but I'm terrified to try out for anything.

I would like to try out for the Joffry but I'm really really scared of rejection . I'm in one company now but I would like it to become more serious. I don't know whether to try out or to just stick with class and the company that I'm currently in.

I'm 13 and have been dancing since I was 3 I'm en pointe and am kinda good at ballet but also do jazz modern hip-hop and character .

I just don't know what I should do .....




  1. i think you should try out for the other one. being scared is no way to go through life. i'm sure you would make it!!  

  2. Always, and I mean ALWAYS remain confident in yourself. If you get rejected, at least you know you tried. Also, you can find out what areas need improvement. Just be yourself, and remain confident.

    I used to always question the way I danced. Then one day, my sister said, "Personally .. I think you can dance. You're just never confident in yourself." Yeaah .. she sneaked in my room and watched me dance.

    If you've been dancing for ten years then you should have a great chance in making it in. Always do your best. Sure, there may be others that seem better than you, but confidence is what pushes you to become better than them.

    I hope I helped, and good luck.  

  3. Go for it!!

    The worst thing that will happen is that they will say no - and that does not mean that you are a bad dancer - or even that you didn't do an amazing job at your audition.

    Dance companies only have room for so many people. At our studio we hold open auditions every year. We typically get 50 to a hundred girlwas audition and each year we accept 5. Only 5. That means every year, we turn away up to 95 dancers - most of whom are absolutely fantastic, talented, brilliant dancers.

    Auditions are a part of a dancers life. For every time you are told yes - you'll likely hear no 10 times. Absolute worst case scenario - you audition for the Joffrey, you spend a day with other dancers like yourself, and  learn what an audition is all about. If you don't make it - you keep dancing with your current company and try again next year. Best case scenario - you make it and become a part of the company. Either way - you should be tremendously proud of yourself for trying.

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