
Should I try out for my school's basketball team?

by Guest64154  |  earlier

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I really need your opinion.

Well...I'm 5'8, 14 Years of age, and Basketball is my life. I play basketball everyday for about 4 hours(Sometimes it's too sunny) Now, I'm going to high school(9th grade), and I was wondering will I make it to the basketball team? I know I won't know until I tryout, but I don't want to tryout and not make it.

My Strength =

--Mid Range Jump shots, Perhaps a three pointer. I don't need to be wide open in order to shoot. I can just shoot "in your face."

---I rarely miss my jump shots if I'm wide open.

--I can be deadly on the post too, watch out for the spin move.

--My strength is my strength, =)

Now, My Weaknesses

--I can not play at PG. Well, I can dribble decently, and do O.K crossovers.

--I cannot run. If I really have to...I can run. I can't run up and down the court 3 times, at least not simultaneously.

--I tire out quick....but since I am a fan of basketball....I am willing to play despite my thirst.

--I'm not known for defense....well...I won't be guarding the best guy on the opposite team...but I can guard...somewhat


Well, what do you think?

Should I try out?

Any answers accepted.

Thanks in Advance!




  1. you should try out.  But if you say that you play 4 hours a day for 7 days and still have no ability to run you should get your parents to take you to a doctor.  After that much exercise you would build up some endurance.  That would be a big problem and could be something that should be looked at....

  2. Listen bro,  you should try out for anything and everything and just give it your all.    You've got nothing to lose by trying out,  you've only to gain.

    Now, if you're only 5'8,  you should have decent handles since you're most likely not playing big man.    Post offense for a small is virtually useless really.    

    Given that you're a good shooter and don't have good handles,  you'll most likely be used as a shooting guard who runs over screens and picks to get open jumpers.   But that requires ALOT and I mean ALOT of running and conditioning.  

    This is what I'll tell ya to do.

    Work on your stamina.  Run at least a mile every day.   That's your foremost priority.

    Then work on your ball handling.   Instead of playing basketball 4 hours a day,   practice dribbling for a long time.

    Then work on your defense.   Defense really doesn't matter at the JV high school level,  you play system defense most times.

    So yeah, good luck buddy.

  3. make sure you get yourself known with the coaches and definetly try bringing up your speed, I play basketball as much as you and love it too, but the coach told me after tryouts that I had the skills, but not the speed

  4. h**l yea you shoud try out, they will condition the h**l out of u inpractice and brush  you up on ur skills  

  5. You sound good, but basketball is a fast paced game and you need to run and you need to run alot, and have good stamina. Just jog whenever you have free time to jog. And play some pick up games at the park or gym to work on your defense.

  6. i think u should definitly try out u seem really good and if u dont try out u will never make it and u will never know if u could of made it and u should always try out even if u dont make it. ull know wat to expect for next time and the coaches will know u better so ull have a better chance

    hope that helped

  7. Yesss!!! If you play basketball almost every day then u should try out. I am going to play 10th grade and i am going to play varsity next year PG. You should take this advice from me. Try Out. At least you wont be wondering if you could have....

  8. yes u should, show the coach how much u want on the team just ppractice dribbling and i guarantee your on the team:)

  9. yes. doesnt matter.just try out, its not gonna hurt u. if u didntmake it, its the not the end of the world. if u make it great. the number one thing u should have and the most important thing is motivation, passion, and ambitous for b-ball. if u got that, then u can do anything

  10. You should try out. You'll never know until you try.

  11. of course u shud. if you really r scared, then in 9t grade, look at what the coaches test you on, work on your weak spots, then try out in 10th grade

  12. If you love basketball and it fun for you i think you should try out.And i don`t think it would be to good to dout if you might make it or not be positive.Think positive your good. Think your not going to do good you wont be good.

    Little forceful but true.

  13. If you have that good of shot i could see you on the team. Since you can not play point guard I could see you at shooting guard or small forwad depending on your teams height. It seems like you can drive which is good because you said you are strong. I could see you driving and getting fouled a lot which is good. Defensiveley you should be fine since you wont be guarding PG. You are probably decent at defense. I would work on running. Jog every day. I definteley see you making the team with your shot.

    Good Luck

    Good Luck

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