
Should I try out for the Basketball team?

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I'm 5'8'' 145 pounds. All through Elementary School, I was known as a "Fat Kid", but since 6th grade, I've lost 20-25 pounds, grew 6 inches, and have gotten into very good shape.

I love sports. I've got the heart, but in the past, I didn't have the game. I haven't played organized Basketball since 6th grade, but I often find myself shooting around for hours in my driveway.

I play American Football and some Golf. I would like to play baseball if my vision wasn't all screwed up, but since my contacts are unreliable, I struggle sometimes to see what's on the board in the classroom. I also like to run individually in an Indoor Track, play recreational pool basketball, ping pong, and roller hockey.

I go to a competitive school, where recently, we've had a outburst in sport success. If I don't make the team, I might play some Christian League stuff.

What do you think my chances are to make the team? How do you think I can improve?

I'm in 8th grade, by the way.




  1. I think your chances are good but nobody is sure b/c we don't know what kind basketball program your school have. But I would try out, it couldn't hurt, and get glasses with a strap when your playing, it might look dorky but it won't fall and your shooting might get better.

  2. my answer is yes you can just a lot of practice

  3. No you are a communist die  

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