
Should I try out or not?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so ive been playing field hockey for a while now and this past two years my skin's become very sensitive and i mean very like when i go in the sun i would start breaking out in two secs. My doc says not to go out in the sun for a long time or wear a hat but i cant wear a hat while im playing. I don't know if i should try out this year. Pre season starts really soon. I'm gonna be a junior and im an average player im not too good or too bad. I also wanna focus on PSAT's and SAT's too like this junior year is really important. I wanna focus on my studies too so should i just not try out and wait till my skin heals and get my grades higher or just try out anyways and dont care about my skin? like i dont wanna have skin problems when i grow up. Like my grades are average too i'm mostly a A,B student and sometimes C and i heard junior year's tough like with the HSPA's too. So should i try out for field hockey and not care about my skin (its not like dont wash my face and stuff, like i do take care of it, but if i play the medicine's just not gonna help my face heal) or should i just take care of my skin and heal my skin and try out next year when my skin's better and i get my GPA higher? PLEASE HELP!!!! If i play my skin would bad and i dont want skin problems when im older and i really truly love field hockey!!!! and if i dont play my grades will probs be a little better and i could focus on PSAT's, SATS, HSPA's. What should i do? Like i dont see field hockey in my future like college or anything but i love it and i wanna play but its bad for my skin and my doc and my family and relatives keep telling me to stay out of the sun but i like the sport and i cant but i could try out next year. Like i want my skin to get better, play field hockey and get my grades higher and ace the SAT's but i cant have them all at the same time...please help what should i do???




  1. To be honest, your skin may be bad now, but when you're older it will probably be fine. Playing field hockey may make your skin worse now, but if you can deal with that then I'd say go for it.

    If you're worrying about your grades, think - have your grades ever slipped from playing field hockey before? If not, then go for it, if so then leave it out this year.

    It's more a question of whether you can deal with having bad skin now, [it'll probably be fine in the future] and whether or not you will think it'll affect your grades.

    Good luck, whatever you decide!

  2. Personally i would just go with grades and psat

    your chances of getting a scholarship for hockey is low

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