
Should I try to get him back, or should I fly?

by  |  earlier

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Well I'm 15 and I fancy a lad I have known since I was about 4 but the problem, is that we have already dated about 9 times on and off. It really peed me off so i dumped him on the 9th time but now I miss him and regret it and he is playing hard to get. Should I try to get him back (and if so how) or should I fly off and find someone else (any tips)





  1. i woulda gotten over it by like the second break up max

  2. You are too young to date and if you have broken up 9 times, why are you trying for number 10?

    Haven't you learned ANYTHING after 9 times hon?

    Or do you think a bad relationship is better than none?

    Or is he the ONLY guy who will date you?

    You need to think a while.

  3. Lord have Mercy!!

    Listen, chicka, I think you should call it quits on him. Tell him if you 2 could be friends and to see other people.

    Then see another guy and he might get jealous and tae you back, but htat's your desicion not a random answeer on Y!A.

  4. been there done that... its not worth it.... its called infatuation not actual love

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