Here is her situation. She has been living with the babydaddy since before there even WAS a baby, but she tells the welfare office that she doesn't know who the father is so that she can get all kinds of free stuff, like WIC and medicaid. If they knew he was the father, they would make him pay child support and put the little girl on his insurance, thus cutting into their budget which allows them to take annual vacations and go out to eat to places like Red Lobster "all the time" and maintain their swimming pool. In other words, they aren't hurting for money. It's not like turning them in would put them on the street or something. And apparently the welfare office isn't too bright, since she admits to living with him and gave the baby his last name, but claims he isn't the father!
The reason this bothers me so much is that recently the state has cut out programs for seniors and the mentally ill because of budget cuts. The budget is short, in part, because of welfare fraud. They recently shut down the county-run nursing home, leaving dozens of seniors homeless, and they've cut programs to help the mentally ill get their medication. These people have no control over their situation, while my co-worker does. And now she's talking about how bad she wants another baby, which will mean more fraud!
So, the question is, do I obey the law or do I mind my own business? I really like this girl and I hate to s***w up her life, but it's also not fair that people in worse situations are being screwed over because of people like her. What should I do?