
Should I turn in my sister in law who is trying to get disability but is sercertly working?

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My sister in law has been the stereo typical person most people think of when you think of someone on welfare, medicaid, food stamps, and low income housing. She is currently trying to Social Sercurity Disablitiy but she is working at a daycare part time. She gets paid under the table by her friend that runs the daycare. I know she is family but it upsetting when she is trying to get disabilty when you know there are people who really need. I also know that there are people that really need the welfare and other programs. She has been on the other programs for a long time and has never really made an attempt to get off of them. I thought the reason for goverment programs was to help peolpe when they were having a hard time not to become a way of life.( I understand the folks that are disabled and the elderly)




  1. You is illegeal.  No matter the situation it is illegal.  Would you say something if your brother killed someone? if your mother did drugs with your brother?  no matter what it's illegal and you should say/do something.  You don't have to give your name or information when you call.

  2. my mom works Gov.  and usally they go and investigate and they get caught and have to pay back

  3. Yup turn her in she is stealing from all of us.......

  4. First - get her to declare it to the Social.

    She may be able to work a certain number of permitted hours without losing benefit.

    If she won't then you have to shop her

  5. yes and no... tell her u disapprove and threaten to turn her in. watch the reaction. if she doesnt seem to care,turn her *** in, or dont say anything and still report it. thats really a judgement call. it will come to light because u r not the only one who feels this is selfish and dishonest. if she has been doing this it will catch up to her and bite her on the ***. restution is a *****. all good things come to an end.

  6. no, don't turn her in. let her live her life and go live yours, she's not really hurting anybody. not in the grand scheme of things, that money she's getting is very nominal and they are not actually withholding it from somebody else because they are giving it to her. her "crime" is not really a crime at all, it's just a choice or maybe an weakness, but it's her weakness and her problem. you would not be helping her by turning he in. if she is only working part time, thats really not enough to live on anyway. so she may genuinely need the government help right now, this is a time to mind your own business.

  7. There is probably two sides to the story, but based on the information you have given me.  I would definitely turn her in.  It is thanks to people like her, who are fit, healthy and capable of work who flagrantly abuse the system - so that the system fails those who genuinely need the  help.  It is not about loyalty it is about facing facts - if she wasn't family would you think twice?

  8. if you are a christian you should first try and talk her out of it and if she wont listen then take the appropriatte steps !!

  9. You should seriously consolt her that when she gets found out, she will have to pay all the money back as well as a huge fine and possibly a JAIL SENTANCE. If she will not listen then perhaps you need to do the right thing and tell the government

  10. I wouldn't do that, ,justice will take its coarse dont be part of it .Dont you you have more important things to worry about then making problems for family members ,besides she wont be the only one affected

  11. mind your own god d**n business!!!!

  12. sister -in-law how? your brothers woman, or your other halfs sis?  my head tells me to turn her *** in. i know ALOT of people like that. but my heart tells me what about ? (your bro/bf?) it will affect them as well. never mind her, they may see it as a betrayal from you. its something for you to think about

  13. I salute honest people like you. It's about time that someone should stop her. It's got to be you. Do this herculean task of turning a family in just for the welfare of the many who need it. Someday, she will understand that you are not doing it for hatred but for love. We correct somebody we love.

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