
Should I turn my midi keyboard off when not using it?

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I just bought a cheapo USB midi keyboard, I am wondering if it is best to leave the keyboard on or turn it off when not using it. Which is more likely to fail first.. the switch, from turning it on and off all the time? Or the wiring keeping it powered all the time? The switch feels kind of cheap.. it's like one of those black switches on the back or bottom of a toy..

The keyboard is a 100$ M-Audio 49 key jobber..




  1. I used to have that same Keyboard until I sold it on eBay a while back. I kinda miss is although I'm glad I got rid of it at the same time. It wasn't bad, just, simple I suppose is the word for it. Anyhow, honestly I would turn the KB off if you are not going to be using it for extended periods of time. The switch shouldn't give you any problems as long as you're not rough with it. I used mine for a couple of months and the keyboard was still working good.  

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