
Should I turn off my pc during my lunch break?

by  |  earlier

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I have heard that turning the computer on and off during the day is not good for the hard drives, but I am worried about saving energy.




  1. if its a saving computer don't worry  

  2. You should just put it on standby/hibernate  

  3. Send it to sleep. :)

  4. The amount of energy saved in a 30 min or 1 hour lunch break isn't worth the constant up and down of your computer...if you're really worried I'd put it in hibernate mode AKA sleep mode.

  5. just hibernate or stand-by or sleep it will save what you have open with less power start-up fast and its good  

  6. I suggest that you take this up with your employer.  They will have to fix the hard drives and power supplies if the surges cause failures....

    My company says off at night and on during the day.

  7. It take about I think like 10 (so I've heard) hours of on time to complete the energy that it takes to boot, I may be way off on that, especially with newer computer, however, it still remains true that the energy to turn it on, is way more then to leave in on for an hour, also, this can ruin the hard drive.

    Sleep mode isn't much better, for an hour, just turn off the monitor and be done with it.

  8. I would not put it to sleep, I would just leave it as is. The biggest hit to a HDD's durability is during a cold boot (going from stopped to spinning) I leave my PC on for about a week and then restart (to clear out temp files)  

  9. I never heard of turning off your pc can harm your hard drive unless you don't do that in a proper way.  It's good to let your head fan cool that way you don't have to replace them sooner than its destine to.

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