
Should I upgrade my current receiver to match the Definitive Technology speakers I am thinking of buying?

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I own a Sony STR-DG710 6.1 receiver. 6 x 105 watts

I will purchase Def Tech BP 7004, Pro Monitor 1000, Pro Center 1000

What would be a cheaper alternative to the Def Techs that has quality sound?




  1. A better receiver will help the speakers sound better, but the law of diminishing return is in place here. You have to spend quite a bit of money to hear a significant improvement and you'd be better off spending it on speakers. Your Sony will drive the speakers you are planning to purchase.

    You may want to get a new receiver for other reasons, like you have a Bluray player and a 1080p TV. Many are available now with HDMI version 1.3 which is capable of higher bandwidth and some can decode the new uncompressed audio tracks available in Bluray.

    "Quality Sound" is not a concrete idea. It is not measurable with test equipment nor can anyone specifically define it. But, you'll know it when you hear it, and it will be different for you than it is for me. I'm partial to Julius Audire's full range ribbon walls at 20k per pair, and yet I saw a responder answer a question the other night claiming that his $129 surround-in-a-box system kicks a$$. I like B&W in the more affordable price ranges, but I don't expect you to agree with me. There are dozens and dozens of good quality speakers available that won't break the bank, and they all sound different.

    Assuming that you've heard the Def Tech system you are about to purchase, and you are still unsure, use their price as a budget and hit a few stores. Ask the salespeople to demostrate everything in that price range. Go to all the stores in your area. Go back two or three times if need be, but eventually, you will end up with the very best speakers in your price range, for you.

    It's important to know that more watts, lower distortion, higher current, faster rise times, better speaker wires, line conditioners and a host of other things will improve your sound, but no one thing will do more to improve it than a better set of speakers. At least until you can afford a really, really good set of speakers.

  2. Get the DefTech towers without the built in subwoofers.  The un-powered towers sound really good and save the money for a single, stand-alone self-powered sub.

    Also - only buy the bipolar towers if you have room to pull them 2-3 feet away from the walls. If not - you are not going to be able to take advantage of the bipolar nature.

    Get DefTech direct radiators, the smaller monitor style. This will use less power so that Sony will work for a while.  Save up for an external sub.  Then, a few years later, consider upgrading the receiver.

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