
Should I use a filter with a 1.5 gallon tank?

by Guest59705  |  earlier

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I recently purchased a Tetra Water Wonders 1.5 gallon kit:

I'm wondering whether or not I should keep using the filter that came with it or would it be better not to for my new betta. It does produce some current and bubbles and moves the surface a bit, but not that much that it makes giant ripples.

What do you think?




  1. yes. if you dont keep the filter in you need to change the water very frequently. although changing the water on a 1.5 gallon tank is easy, the filter will save you work.

  2. A filter would be best for the betta as long as he has an area to get away from the current.

  3. you could put him in the tank with it, and if he acts different and you feel that he doesn't like it, then take it out. but if he doesn't seem to care, less work for you.

  4. yah bettas dont need strong currents... still water would be best. they move slow and they have long finns which makes even more slower.

  5. You can definately use the filter but you don't have too...bettas aren't really dirty fish so the filters arent necessary

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