
Should I use a wooden cutting board or a plastic one?

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Should I use a wooden cutting board or a plastic one?




  1. definitely wooden, it will last the longest and it can take more wear and tear.

  2. I like plastic because it is just easier to clean and bleach this

  3. I have heard that the pores in the wooden cutting boards can hold bacteria and they are harder to clean. I have a wooden one and a plastic one but my wooden one is bamboo which is not as porous. I just throw them in the dish washer when I'm done and I've never had a problem.

  4. I have all three, wooden, plastic (6 different colors) and glass.

    I prefer plastic, due to the color code with the little like fish sign or veggie on the bottom for another code, plus I use the Clorox spray for a disinfectant.  I'm quite antibacterial, due to,the plastic can be rolled and placed into a bowl or whatever you need to have the cut item place in.  

    Plastic is just more convenient!!.

    Hopes this may help you!

  5. i'd say wooden because plastic ones can have toxens in them.

  6. woodencutting board is always suggestable because plastic is harmful while cuttling tiny pices of plastic may also mix with vegetable as some type of plastic causes cancer

  7. Plastic easier to disinfect.

  8. Wooden cutting boards have the advantage of time. Cooks have been preparing food on wooden boards or countertops for centuries with few widespread contamination problems. Wood is a fairly forgiving surface which works well with sharp knives.  They are are very sturdy and give it a rustic charm.

    Plastic cutting boards have technology on their side. They have a nonporous surface, which means juices from meats and dirt from vegetables will not penetrate deep into the surface. Plastic cutting boards also have some self-healing ability - cuts made by sharp knives may almost disappear over time.  Cutting boards made of plastic are usually dishwasher-safe, which many experts see as a higher degrees of sanitation.

    Nonporous surfaces like plastic or glass are easier to clean than wood and thus better in terms of food safety. Wood is naturally porous, and those tiny fissures and grooves in wooden cutting boards can harbor bacteria. Which is why cutting boards made of wood aren't allowed in commercial kitchens. That being the case, why use them at home?

    As for glass cutting boards, they're just awful for your knives and aren't allowed in commercial kitchens, either. Why? Because things get dropped in kitchens, and broken glass in the soup is a real no-no.

    Bottom line: Use plastic or acrylic cutting boards, not wood or glass.

    Avoid Cross-Contamination:

    Consider using separate cutting boards for fresh produce and bread, raw meats, poultry and seafoods, dairy products, and cooked foods. This will prevent bacteria on a cutting board that is used for raw meat from contaminating a food that requires no further cooking. You can even purchase color-coded cutting boards to help you keep them separate.

    Cleaning Cutting Boards:

    Cutting boards should be washed with hot, soapy water after each use, then rinsed with clear water and air dried. You can also pat them dry with clean paper towels, but don't wipe them dry with a dishtowel. That, by the way, is good practice for all your dishes and cookware, not just cutting boards.

    Acrylic or plastic boards can be run through a dishwasher, which is a great way to clean and sanitize them. It's another reason they're superior to wooden boards, too, because wooden boards may warp, crack or split if washed in the dishwasher.

    Hope this helps you ....... = )

  9. people say wooden one for veggies and fruit, bread etc and plastic ones for meat only.

  10. Plastic. You will never be able to totally rid wood of germs.

  11. plastic

    the wooden ones hold bacteria

  12. Give Some Guy the BA on this because he's right .

    Plastic only has 3 advantages over wood

    1)It can be made in colors so that HACCP product /color protocols can be used

    2)It's cheaper

    3) It can handle being tossed in a dishwasher

  13. Plastic is less porus than wood that can trap bacteria.  Which ever one you choose to use make sure to either put in dishwasher or use a solution of bleach and water to disinfect it.

  14. Plastic the wooden one are too pores.

  15. i would used plastic, they last longer and the wood ones absorb any liquid that is put on the chicken you cut last week and the steak from last month, ya those bloody liquids full of bacteria...they are still soaked up into your cutting board.....gross isnt it?

  16. plastic=>

  17. Your choice we have both but i would recomend plastic there easyer to clean

  18. Plastic provides a less porous surface than wood which is easily abraded and harbors bacteria a lot more. The plastic is much easier to sanitize. Wood provides no special qualities that make it suitable for use in the kitchen environment.

  19. Get yourself a glass cutting board (They are available) and can usually be kept quite clean. If you get a fancier type board, they can double as a cheese platter or other entertainment item.

  20. depends on what you are cutting. meats, veggies all that stuff. my wife knows all that stuff, i dont know.

  21. I honestly think neither get a glass cutting board they're easy to wash and look nice. Wooden is nicer then plastic but holds more bacteria and plastic isn't to nice but you can always bleach it.

  22. plastic

    wood hold bacteria

  23. This has been an interesting topic for many years.

    After doing some tests the winner is: WOOD

    Wood has natural antibiotic properties that kill any bateria after a short period of time.  It "self-seals" the cuts made by a knife.   If bacteria could live on a cutting board the board would rot in a matter of a few weeks. Ever see a rotted wooden cutting board?

    But the cuts in a plastic board don't heal and can trap water in them.  They simply don't dry as well as wood. Tests have proven that  bacteria can live on a plastic board for days but not on a wooden one.  Plastic boards also dull knives much faster than a wooden board does.  There is a reason why butchers still use wooden blocks to cut meat on.

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