
Should I use gravel or sand in my tropical freshwater aquarium. ?

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I have a 55 gallon freshwater tank with an assortment of mollies, guppies, and platys. I currently have standard Wal-Mart issue aquarium gravel on the bottom. Is there any benefit to sand? I want to diversify my fish varieties and have read that some of the more exotic fish like a sandy bottom for scavenging or hiding? Any thoughts?




  1. Some fish, like many corys, like sand because it won't hurt their barbels, but I have two freshwater tanks with gravel and one with sand, and personally I find sand harder to keep clean. It also gets into the filter so it clogs faster. From what I have read, sand is not a good substrate if you have live plants either.

    You are right, however, that some fish like sand and if you can keep it clean I agree it looks nice, at least at first. Below is a reference that describes the various types of sand you can use in your tank. Don't use live sand in freshwater or any kind that will affect your water parameters.

  2. ummm gravel?

  3. Gravel is easier to clean and won't cloud your water like sand.

    If you want a smaller more natural gravel get sand blast and rinse it very well

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