
Should I use my current company logo on my resume when applying for a government job>

by  |  earlier

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I am a Realtor with a Large Realty Chain, I am applying for a Real Estate Position with the Federal Government. My Question is - Should I use my Corporate Company Logo when applying for this Government Position?




  1. No - you'd be taking company property for personal use.  This is something the government is strict about - not using government issue for personal benefit.


    The resume clearly states where you work now.  The logo isn't needed.  

  2. No - only use it if you will be a contractor

  3. Definitely not. Unless you actually own the company, you are only entitled to use the company's letterhead when writing to an existing or potential customer as an authorized employee or representative of that company.

    That hardly applies when you are applying for another job!

  4. Absolutely not. The person evaluating the resumes would be unlikely to ever see it anyway, because I am pretty sure they just scan and enter the text only into a standardized form.

  5. No.  Just include the pertinent info that shows your qualifications for the new position,.

  6. No please. If you use company logo, it is illegal, and your application is liable to be not considered !

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