Okay, me and my horse have started doing this new local hunter curcuit. The shows are real nice, and the prizes are really nice too ^^ My only issue is jumping is in an indoor arena, and my horse just powers through the bit like he wants to get EVERYTHING oer with. I tried giving him half halts...but we looked more like we were in a cross country feild than a hunter ring lol. The starnge thing was he was FINE outiside, it was only inside he was "speedy" :P
So, my question is do you think those ear puffs would help? Do you think they are atleast worth a try?
(oh and the weird thing is I placed first in BOTH jumping classed out of like 15 rideres...do you think the judging was screwed up or was i because my horse staid at a consisitant pace...though he was speedy we didn't go from slow to quick. He also takes short strides so maybe when he was going nuts he had a bigger stride? lol xD)