
Should I use the baby name me and my ex decided on

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I just recently seperated from my Partner of 5 yrs and i am pregnant with my first child. My Ex has decided to have nothing to do with me or my daughter. I am due august 10th. I have a schedule c-section on the 10th. I am not sure if i am going to use the name i decide on with my ex or should i decide on something different. The name was Audra Jade which i love but will i be reminded of my ex whenever i say her name.




  1. I like it, but you could always use Audrey which is similar yet so beautiful [:

    Audrey Jade is gorgeous.  

  2. I LOVE the name, its really really pretty. But if you really feel that it will remind you of your ex, then don't do it. Then again, as others have said, the baby itself is a reminder of your ex. So in essence, either way you'll be reminded of him- the baby being more physical and tangible proof than the intangible proof of her name... so that means if you love the name, keep it.. its really beautiful and unique

  3. Well, you say the baby has nothing to do with him, does that mean he isn't the father?

    Because if he's not, then no, def. not.

    That would be really sad.

    Keeping the middle name is one thing, but both is too much.

  4. no, the name will become hers and you won't relate it to him.  If you love the name, then use it.  If you give her that name, before long you won't be able to imagine anything else.  Besides, it still is his daughter, i guess,  and nothing can change that.

  5. Don't use that name girl! it isn't worth it.

    He doesn't need to be a part of picking the name if he is going to be like that.

    I would go with Brittany Rae :]

  6. maybe you can change it a little: audrey jade, aurora jade, audra jane, etc. just changing 1 or 2 letters

  7. The baby alone will be a reminder...So the name won't make a difference...Keep it! Nothings wrong with it, it's cute, I love it!

    Good luck on Aug 10th! Awwwww im happy for you! Welcome Audra Jade!!!!!!!!!

  8.   i think you should change the name .

    at least , thats what i would do .

    just simply because it would remind you of your ex constantly .

    i agree , it is a really pretty name , but im sure you can come up with another one that you like just as much .


  9. If you love the name, I say go for it. Once you see your precious daughters face, you'll say her name and think of HER. NOT your ex.

    Sorry to hear of another man-gone-bad but SUPER congrats on your bundle of love coming on the 10th!! Not much longer!!! =]

  10. It's a beautiful name, but if it brings bad feelings for you, feel free to choose something else.  Jessica is also a very pretty name.

    Also, if the baby is his, he cannot legally walk away from his financial responsibilities toward her.  You don't have to let him off the hook financially.

  11. Audra Jade is a GREAT name; you could change it up a little. Audriana Jade.

    name YOUR baby the name YOU want for her.

  12. mam, if you really like that name then by all means name your daughter that name! I think its a very pretty name, and unique, just like your little one will be,special, unique one of a kind! Are you sure you two can't mend this conflict between you two? You know Audra Jade will need her father too! Just like she'll need her mommy!Young lady I will pray for you and your ex, to be able to work this out for your sakes, and your daughter's sake!

  13. My mom choose my name given to me by my biological father.  I never met him either.  To me I enjoy my name just a little bit more because he was never in my life but atleast gave me that.  I know that you will be reminded of him by her name...just imagine if she looks like him! I have no idea what my dad looks like but I always found it funny when my mom accused me of trying to look like him.  I would say name her that!  I think it is a beautiful unique name that you love any way! Congratulations mommy go for it!

  14. Since he has decided that he isn't gong to be involved with HIS daughter, the choice in naming her is purely yours. If you feel that Audra Jade would remind you of your ex, you shouldn't use it. Find a name that fits her, one that you pick out when you see her face in eight days. You'll know what to choose. Good luck!

  15. Audra Jade is beautiful I love the name Audra. If you lone it too I wouldn't let that stop you. Don't think of it as a name you and you ex agreed on just think of it as your daughter's beautiful name.

  16. if you love the name and you love your baby it'd make sense to keep that name even if you and your ex picked it out. as for being reminded of your ex- well that'll happen anyway as i'm assuming that your daughter is also his!?

    I hope he comes around and see's that he's being an idiot. 5 yrs and he walks right before the birth of his kid- either he's a drop kick, dead beat, or just a complete moron, or he's scared shytless about becoming a dad. if it's just being scared, he should come to the party and see the error of his ways. (here's hoping anyway)

    Either way i'd like to wish you all the best for the pending birth of your baby girl and i hope you can find happiness for at least both of you in your future.  

  17. If you really love the name then use it. Audra Jade is lovely. Or if you like you could make it more of your own choice and change it around a little bit - for instance Aurora Jayde is similar - but different. Jessica Rae is pretty too. :-)

  18. my mother in law was in the same position was you were.  her and her boyfriend and decided on derick matthew, and the split before he was born.. his name is adam christopher... do what your heart tells you.  when your beautiful baby girl is born and she looks like and audra, then your found her name..  if she looks like a britney or a jessica go with that.  she is your baby and he left.. do what your heart tells you.

  19. I think that it is up to you. If you like the name so much then go for it. If it reminds you of your ex to much, then just change it up a little but. Like instead of naming her Audra Jade name her Aundrea Jade. It's still a beautiful name, but not exactly the same. I hope I helped and good luck with you beautiful new baby girl ♥ :D

  20. If that's the name you love, name her that!  Just because he isn't around doesn't change the way you feel for your child or the name that you have chosen for her.  That is the name you have been connected to for her, so I would stick with it.  What you could do is to think of some other names that you like so you have a choice.  Then, when you see her little face when she's born, then you will decide what is best fitting for her.  She will "tell" you.  Then, it will be a decision that you and your daughter made, not you and your ex.  Wishing you lots of love for you and your new girl!  

  21. My daughter went thru this exact thing She and her ex split when she was 5months preg. 5 years together. She said if he didn't want to act like a dad, he was outta her life. And she did it, i thought she'd let him back but she didn't. She had a named picked forever but he loved it and the decided to use it with a middle name he liked. She used the first name and gave the baby her middle name.

    its your baby, your name. if you like it, use it. Or change it a little so its nothing of him. the jerk

    Instead of Audra Jade (so cute) how about Audry Jayde? I think its realy cute and the initials are the same. You can call her AJ, not many girls use that I bet.

    You are using your last name correct? if he wants nothing to do with her , its better. Do put his name on the birth certificate and go after him for child support. Make him pay evry penny ms AJ is owed.

  22. Maybe Emerald Jade, Aurora Jade, Mary Grace. I like Autumn Raine. Good luck and Congrats. It sounds like hes a jerk and let him know if he's not there now for her not to come back in a few years b/c hes not welcome in her life b/c she deseves better than a dead beat father who is in and out of her life.

  23. Audra Jade is a lovely name. I'm sorry that your ex decided to have nothing to do with his daughter, but if he is that immature, it's best that he is not involved. I think you should keep the name if you love it, there's no reason to change it if you like it. Good luck. =)

  24. If you love the name go for it. You can also tell her that her and her daddy picked her name because she's so special. I like the name too!

  25. I would pick a different name in order to create an independent feeling for yourself, and make it a strong name for your daughter's sake. (men suck)- Audrina + (your mom's name, grandma's, best friend, etc.) or Hope, Charity,

    Aurora (the dawn- new beginning) + Constance (fidelity)

                                                      + Carly (female strength)


    Mia (Italian= mine)                

    Valentina (Latin= powerful)

    Rhiannon (welsh= magic maiden)

    Nadia (slavic=hope)

    Karisma (gift)

    Good Luck- (and avoid Brittany it's way too overused and eternally associated with Brittany Spears)

  26. i think its a lovely name go for it whether he wants anything to do with the baby or not hes not worth it but if you do feel uncomfortable using it then go for your other name its lovely and pretty too hope i helped good luck and enjoy the baby your ex will change his mind and maybe want to see the baby at some point even to see what she looks like once x*x

  27. If you love it, keep it. Be strong! We are young, heartache to heartache we stand. No promises, no demands. Love is a battlefield. I like Audra Jane, Angelina, Ruby, Evelyn, Evangelina if you wanted to name her something different. Anyway, good luck with the little one. Hope I've helped :)

  28. Yep, you're right ...

    The name you and your Ex decided on together will FOREVER remind you of him.

    Please reconsider using that name.  I think it's a beautiful name, too ... but I think that the name (if you choose to use it) will always carry a bit of negativity for you.

  29. If it's too painful to think of then I wouldn't use it. Brittany Lynae would be pretty or you could use part of each and do Brittany Jade.

  30. What about something similar? I love the names Auden, Auore/Aurora and Audrey/Aubrey. And then Audra can be a nickname.  

  31. No matter what you name her the child itself it going to remind you of your ex so if you like the name go for it. Oh yeah make sure you get that child support girl :)

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