
Should I use the ouiji board, please read details.?

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My friend died around 2 years ago, and I miss him terribly.

My other friend will be spending quite a bit of time at my house in July. Im considering buying a ouiji board, and using it to contact him, is that a wise decision?

Please help.




  1. NO you should not use it some people belive and i iam one of those people that the ouiji board can open a portal for evil sprits and i belive this because it happened to me. when you want to talk to your friend just talk out loud he will hear you i know it sounds stupid but it will make you feel better.

  2. I am sorry for your loss.  I am also sorry to tell you that you cannot contact your father through a ouija board.  The ouija board is just a game that you can buy in most toy stores and department stores, an ordinary piece of wood or plastic or cardboard.  It has no supernatural powers.  The people using the ouija board make it work.  It plays on your mind and imagination and your susceptibilities and beliefs and fears.  It can be scary because the imagination is a powerful thing, and can make you believe just about anything.  

    You can talk to your father whenever you want.  He is always alive in your heart and in your memories, and he will hear you if you talk to him.  He is watching over you, but in a different way now.  

    Here are a couple of links that discuss ouija boards.

  3. No, Ouija boards are dangerous. I used it once and had vicious nightmares for a week.

    Play at your own risk.

  4. yes you should by a Ouija board and you can talk to certain people on the Ouija board just ask the spirit your talking to to transfer to the person you want to and if the spirit says no put the Ouija board up and ask again

  5. I'm sorry to hear about your friend. Unfortunately, Ouija boards, psychics and other supernatural things aren't real. People only sell them to rip off their customers.

    When someone is using a Ouija board, the piece moves because the person's subconscious is making it move for them. They want to believe it works so much that they do it without realizing it. That's why so many people believe in it. But it's just a children's game, something little girls play at sleepovers. Do you think that if spirits could contact the living world, they'd use a $20 toy from Walmart as their medium?

    I think it would do an injustice to your friend to try using a Ouija board to contact him. You should accept that he's not coming back, no matter how much it hurts, and eventually you will begin to heal. Good luck.

  6. No absolutely not even when you get in touch with someone they are evil spirits and will lie to you and you will not reach your friend I am so sorry for your loss,but just take solace in that he is probably in a better place than this h**l hole we call a world.

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