
Should I use this prescription?

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I have a very slight presciption and at the moment have no trouble reading. I went to the optition because I was getting headaches and she said glasses were optional at the moment.

This confused me as I went to her to be told if I need them or not, not to decide for myself.

Also can you tell me why my distance numbers are + as I thought distance was minus.

sph +0.75 cyl -0.75 axis 120.0 right distance

+1.25 -0.75 120 right near

+0.25 distance left

=0.75 near left




  1. go to doctor

  2. Your distnace is a plus because you are slightly long sighted.  When the sphere is a minus, that means someone is short sighted.

    For your right eye, your distance prescription pretty much cancels itself out as you have -0.75 astigmatism.  And the distance prescription in your left eye is negligible.

    As for reading, you have a prescription of about +0.75 in each eye (taking into account the cyl).  It is a very small prescription so that is probably why the optician has left it to you to decide.  Most people with or without a prescription can still read clearly with a +1.00 lens so it's up to you to decide if you want to spend the money on a pair of glasses you might not use very often.

    See if your headaches are alleviated by reading in different light, or taking regular breaks.

  3. + numbers can also be for distance vision. That indicates farsightedness ( hyperopia)

    You are also presbyopic...needing help for close up.

    That 0.75 astigmatism correction you need ( cyl ) is enough to give you the headaches from time to time.

    You would definately be a lot more comfortable and strain a lot less if you had at least reading glasses made from that, to correct the astigmatism mostly. You can get away without the distance glasses because your left eye has almost no correction.

    + 1.25 - 0.75  in your right eye for the reading glasses is more than a " slight" correction,  along with the +0.75 in the left eye.

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