
Should I use trigger shot or not?

by  |  earlier

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I am on CD13 of a cycle that is a cancelled IUI cycle due to many follicles. My dr suggested we not TTC this cycle due to a lot of follicles (10, but only 1 at 15 mm and 1 at 16 mm, others very small) but said we can decide. My huz and I decided to TTC anyway even with the risk but my OPKs are still negative at CD13 (the last ultrasound showing follies at those sizes was CD9).

Should I use the trigger? I want the best chance for pregnancy but less chance of multiples!! THX!!!!! :)




  1. It's hard to say.

    Many women on a 28day cycle will ovulate at day 14 or 15.

    You should wait out anothe day or two and if still no + opk then you should get the shot I think.

    With having 2 folicles at a decent size the risk of multipuls is still there but not had high as if you had 4 decent sized folicles.

  2. go for it, this might just be the right time and you dont want to miss it.good luck

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